8 years, Bells, Broadjump Burpees and Coffeteria for Everyone!

Tubby from the Bridge was also in the Gloom.

What a glorious morning to spend time with my brothers to celebrate my 8th anniversary with F3.  I still remember that day forcing myself to venture out to Man Maker Monday in Oakhurst to see what this thing was all about.  It was that moment I took the Daily Red Pill and have never looked back…Of course nowadays, the mind is much more willing than the body.  Nevertheless.  I showed up EARLY for once.  Planted the Christina/OST flag, prepped the music and just like that, it was time to get swole.

“I Ain’t Worried”  Oh shit, left my bell in the car. Not the start I was looking for.


Warm O Rama

All Exercises In Cadence

8 Count Body Builder x8

Windmill x8

Toy Soldier x8

IST x8

Low Slow Squat x8


The Thang

Skull Crushers x8

Overhead Press x8

Upright Row x8

Curl x8

Bent Over Row x8

Deadlift x8

Lunge x8

Chest Pressx8

American Hammer x8


Broad Jump Burpees up Deck/Bear Crawl Down Deck – Al Gore waiting on the Six

Rinse and Repeat.

Broad Jump Burpees Up Deck/Quadraphillia down Deck – Al Gore waiting on the Six

Rinse and Repeat

Broad Jump Burpees Up Deck/Overhead seal claps down the deck-Al Gore waiting on the Six

Rinse and Repeat one more time.

Broad Jump Burpees up deck/Lung Walk Down Deck

8 Count Body Builder x8



Dying Cockroach x8

Low Flutter x8

Pretzel Crunch Right Elbow x8

Pretzel Crunch Left Elbow x8

Recover Recover

Greatly appreciate all the Pax that came out to support the 8th anniversary of my F3 venture. I also appreciate those Pax that reached out personally that couldn’t make it.

With a big group, music and FiA, it was tough to hear any significant mumble chatter although I am sure it was present.  I may have heard a couple of BS calls on the burpees. 

I did demonstrate some moonwalking skills at the request of Possum.  There may have been some crotch grabbing and “Hee Hee” as well.  STK.

Rumor had it that my last Q an anonymous Pax said I was rather “lenient” on the Pax.  I cannot have that reputation precede me.  So sorry not sorry.

Prayers up for Rocket’s Co-worker Robin who was young and suddenly passed away.  We pray for her family, co-workers and other loved ones. 

Polar Bear Tomorrow.

Hope House Gala last call for volunteers.

Daytona 500 next Wednesday on the 15th.  #Convergence

Still have raffle(s) going on until February 22 and March 3rd.  Get some!

A big thank you to all the Pax how continue to “CARRY” me and give me the opportunity to make it another year in F3.  Without all of you, I have no idea where our family would be.  Thanks for giving us reason and purpose to do what we do and to get me up in the morning.

Live Life. Own Every Second.  Never Take Anything For Granted.

Humbly Yours- Olive


Strange Music Shuffle

I Ain’t Worried-One Republic

Somebody’s Watching Me – Rockwell

Tubthumping – Chumbawumba

Thriller – Michael Jackson

Fuel – Metallica

Du Hast- Rammstein

Hells Bells -ACDC

Feuer Frei- Rammstein

Master of Puppets – Metallica
