80th Anniversary of D-Day work out –
Ran 6 times around the parking lot to equal 1.55 miles but also in meters it equals 2501 meters. 2501 also is the amount of US lives lost on D-Day.
80 reps of everything to honor the 80th anniversary
- 80 Squats
- 80 Merkins
- 80 Military press
- 80 Deadlifts
- 80 Curl
- 80 WW2 sit-ups
Some Other D-day Facts –
- 2501 – US soldiers died, 2501 KM = 1.554 miles
- Over 2 million allied troops were involved in operation overlord D-day
- 160,000 Allied troops took part in D-Day
- 73,000 US forces actually were part of the invasion
- Allied forces faced 50,000 German forces
- 4415 Allied Troops killed
- 1449 British killed
- 391 Canadians killed
- 73 killed from Other Nations
- Est 4,000-9,000 Germans killed, wounded or missing.
Great workout, LawnDart. And an even better reminder for us to take a moment – often – to think of those who have served our country and served us so unselfishly.
Inspired me to take the pax of Cauldron to Veteran’s Park the next AM.