819 Clubber Lane – Turn and Burn

Event Date

Aug 19, 2017

Seven HIM posted to ELHS Mustang for yet another trip down Clubber Lane. This time the address was 819 (08/19). With many of the Denver PAX away at F3 Dads Camp, ELHS still posted a solid number, often this number (7) is double or triple what our buddies in SVU receive, but let's not get all sandy over that!

Warm O Rama

  • Right over Left
  • Left over Right
  • 10 IC Cotton Pickers
  • 20 IC SSH

The Thang

Begin our track down Clubber Lane. For those unfamiliar, Clubber Lane is a scenic trek around all of ELHS-Mustang AO, if you venture down the lane you always come back.

The route, with a detour this am, practice field blocked with communinty activity "Love Denver" back to school event, began with a lap around the parking lot, flag pole, entire school, and back to launch pad. Once we were all back together we continued… around track, out the back gate past baseball/softball fields and end at soccer field. 

Since it is 8-19, 8 exercises were selected and 19 reps each. 

Line up on the sideline, complete 50yd dash and then IC for most of the 8 following items:

  1. Flutter Kicks IC 19
  2. LBC IC 19
  3. Low Dolly IC 19
  4. Freddy Mercury IC 19
  5. Squats IC 19
  6. SSH IC 19
  7. WWI (OYO)
  8. Lunges (OYO)

Since 8/19 only comes around once a year, might as well do it twice…REPEATO

Head to track for 100 yard work

  1. High knees
  2. Butt kickers
  3. Backwards high knees
  4. Backwards butt kickers
  5. Mosey
  6. Mosey
  7. Sprint
  8. Mosey


  • 10 IC Flutter Kicks 
  • 10 IC LBC
  • 10 IC Dr. W
  • 10 IC Monkey humpers, with an audience who recorded (Sonar ask the M)

But wait there's more, we never came back down Clubber Lane, so off we go on the last 3/4 mile stretch of CLubber Lane.

Reflection: Spoke about current events in VA and around the country. Prayer requests for many injured pax, and families who are admist troubling times. Also, prayers to all the PAX and 2.0s at F3 Dads Camp this weekend.

Always grateful to lead the group! Until next time.