8’s in the rain

Event Date

May 24, 2022

Boy did the forecast look gloomy when YHC hit the sack last night. As it turned out the rain was a refreshing blessing on this beautiful morning. It was wet so this Q that cares tried to keep the pax off the ground. Here is what we did! 

Mosey ip and down the parking lot, karaoke, butt kickers, high knees, all the way to the fountain. 

warm up. – The windmill. That's it I got bored and felt warmed up. 

Start at the fountain.
10 incline merkins, 10 lunge walks away from fountain, 10 squats, repeating with decline and regular merkins at the fountain and keeping the lunges and squats.Re-peato the whole thing. 

Under the cover, LBCs and flutter kicks

Mosey to the stairs, Today is my youngest's 8th birthday so we stuck with 8 for the next few exercises. 

Ladder- run up the stairs 1 Burpee, run down the stairs, rest, repeat and increase burpees up to 8.

Mosey back to the awning by the fountain. More Mary that I am forgetting

Mosey to the corner and get blocks,

push/pull set- 8 Bros, 8 merkins/ 8 shoulder press, 8 pull ups/ 8 curls, 8 skull crushers.  Threepeato

Curb kickers and calf raises 3 sets of 15, 10 and 5.

Then we passed around Mary to finish it off. Soprano was the one who made us lay down in the puddles. 

FNG is Liberace, get him on the site!

Thanks for letting me lead had a blast with y'all today.