9 > 1 when it comes to Qing

Looked like Amen and Titan posted for the standard.  They were wrapping it up as YHC moseyed in to see a few vehicles snuggling up between the lines.  As the pax gathered and looked around… no signs of Rocket.  Titan stepped in at 0530 and got the pax started.  Numerous glances toward Gilead and still no Rocket, so the pax followed Titan til he handed it over to The Force and basically the Q was shared equally among all the pax.  Blocks were used as was the wall the the entire parking lot.

That’s it – that’s the backblast.  Just slightly more lame than the Q not showing.  The pax actually bets Rocket posted at another AO not realizing he had the Q today.  So he may not be well rested, but he maybe feels a little guilty now.  Maybe.
