9-14-2022 – It’s Free

Event Date

Sep 14, 2022


Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC X 20

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins up to 7


Individual Dora – 5 Burpees at the start.  Mosey around the Scout building and the church, then winding through the back parking lot.  Stop at 10 points and do 10 Merkins each for a total of 100. 

At this point we Bear Crawled up the ramp to the picnic shelter where we reviewed the 5 Core Principles of F3.  Unfortunately, we only came up with 4.

Always outside- Rain or shine, heat or cold

Peer Lead – on a rotating basis

Ends with a circle of trust

Open to all men

It was disappointing that we couldn’t remember the last one….. It’s Free!

Mosey back to the start.  Rinse and repeat with 20 Squats at 10 points for a total of 200 Squats.  Rinse and repeat with 20 LBC’s at 5 points before time ran out.

Mater said we where at 1.85 miles for the workout so we went on a short Mosey around the parking lot until we hit 2 miles.

Great mumblechatter this morning gentlemen!  We heard about the BRR from Strudel.  Sounds like everyone had a good time and we have some great runners in the region.  We also discussed how to build up F3 in Denver.  Maybe we need better community outreach?  How about some exposure in local media?  Hopefully we can come up with some great ideas to get the word out and implement them soon!

Thanks for showing up at The Meat Locker this morning men!
