FNG-1 is Good News (3rd post, not on the website, yet)25 men heard the call and answered it this morning. I was honored to have led the group of pax who showed up to help celebrate my 9 years in F3 (or heckle, which is even better). Here’s how the 9-themed workout went down:WARMORAMA mosey around the block with side shuffles and Quadraphelia mixed in.SSH x9icWindmill x9icLong Snapper x9icIST x9ic9 big Arm Circles OYO forward and backMEOW MIX (unraveled) in 4-corner fashionMericans x9icMountain Climbers x9icCDD x9icRock Hoppers x9icDonkey Kicks x9icMan Maker Mericans x9icShoulder Touch Mericans x9icHand Release Mericans x9icPlank Jacks x9ic9s (not 11s)8 Squats at the top of the hill, 1 lunge per leg at the bottom.7 Squats, 2 lunges6 Squats, 3 lungesetc. etc. If you finish early, finish with ‘the 6’Partner Up for Helping HandsDo 9 with your right hand, run to the end of the lot, switch roles, same hand, 9 more.Run back, do 9 more with your left hand, run back to the end to finish with the last 9.MOBILITY MOMENT WITH CROCS (the only way to shut him up)Downward DogPigeonCatchers PoseMARYLBCs x9icBIG BCs x9icPretzel Crunch x9ic both sidesLow Flutter x9icRosalita x9icLow Dolly x9ic90s (not 100s)Crunchy Frog x9icMason Twist x9icJLo x9icMOLESKIN:-Tried to appease the crowd as much as I could this morning. There was LOTS of mumblechatter, which is great. I didn’t get to hear it all (fortunately), but when I heard suggestions, I adjusted where I could. You’re welcome.-I have found that is always best to stand beside Moses in the summer whilst performing windmills. The man can produce some air movement with his wingspan and coordinated motions.-I was EHed by Slaughter 9 years ago, which, by someone’s random comment makes me a prince (ha ha). Since then, I have become a better man because of it. Thanks for the continued support, accountability and GREAT relationships. I am not the man I was 9 years ago because of all of you!-My thought for all of you is a quote from Dave Matthews (I know, I know):”The future is no place for better plans.” The good old days are happening right now. Recognize it and live it to its fullest.