9 Block Farmers Carried the Day

9 Strong posted to Hollywood to get their Wednesday thang on right.

The disclaimer was quickly dispensed to all who cared to listen.

Here’s a quick and dirty rundown:

Warm-o-rama around the lot

We each grabbed a CMU (cinder block) and carried it to the adjacent lot for a warm-up:




Slow curl

Slow squat

Slow block ‘Merican

Mountain Climber

Off to the parking ramp we went:

Partner for DORA:  While partner runs the ramp and down the stairs:

100 block ‘Mericans

200 Block curls

300 Block squats

People’s Chair

We went under cover to stay dry for a mid-workout MARY- or something like that:

15 Little Baby Extensions

15 Burpees

10 LBEs

10 Burpees

5 LBEs

5 Burpees

Mosey back around to the ramp

Re-partner: #1 stays under cover for LBCs while #2 Farmer carries 2 blocks up the ramp, around to the steps and down to relieve his partner.

We hoofed it back to launch with block in tow.


  1. The 45 degree weather was SO much better than the 20 on Monday
  2. Good showing by a few of the non-regular Hollywood crowd, while we missed a few of those regulars who opted out.  You know who you are and so do we.
  3. Prayers up for Firestone’s buddy who recently lost his wife.  He shared a good reminder to keep in touch with those you care about.  It’s easier not to and we all get busy.  Think of someone you’ve not connected with lately, but maybe you should have.  Then do it.
  4. Jersey Boy proved that he could bang out some burpees when he really wants to.  So now we know that and we will be judging your efforts, henceforth.
  5. JB also mentioned a fundraiser for Girls on the Run- a sneaker soiree.  See him for more details.
  6. Well, bye.  









