9 Brave Warriors Slayed a Dragon

Event Date

Jan 26, 2017

Also in attendance but not registered on the site Flow and Fillmore.  

The rain chance was at 95% at 5 AM when I went to bed, so I carefully prepared a full body beat down under the covered area at GCC.  Well the rain held off and we used the shelter anyway.  This is our story….  (Google 40 minute Kettle Bell Workout, I stole a lot from this)


Mosey to the shed with the KB's.

SSH x 20, IST x 15, Windmill x 15, Toy Soldiers x 15, Squats x 20.

Pick out (2) KB's.  A heavy and a lighter one.  Mosey back to the front under the covered area.

The Thang:

3/4 way KB Swing (eye level) x 20

Full KB swing x 20

Alternating Arm Swings x 20 (10 each arm, switching at top of swing.  Requires coordination)

Lap (probably 1/8 mile

Mason Twist x 20

Curtsies w/ KB x 10 IC (We need a new name for this.  Think of a woman's greeting and at the top of the exercise you swing your KB in the motion over your head, think of a roller coaster loop and switch to the other leg)

KB Thrusteres x 20

Skull Crushers x 20


Toe Touches w/ KB (lie on your back with feet up and push KB up to your toes)

Single Arm Swings w/ Lunge x 15 right leg

Single Arm Swings w/ Lunge x 15 left leg


LBC's x 20

Bent Over Rows x 20

Lawn Mower x 10 Left Arm

Lawn Mower x 10 Right Arm


WWII x 15 w/ KB

Turkish Get Ups w/ KB right arm (Bunyan Favorite)

Turkish Get Ups w/ KB left arm (Bunyan Favorite)

KB Pull Over x 20 (lie on your back with arms stretched over your head and pull you KB over past your waist)


Freddie Mercury x 20

Had 5 minutes left so we had time for Extra Credit

3/4 KB Swings x 20

Full KB Swings x 20

Curls x 20

Thee Burpee x 1

Mosey back to the trailer to put back the KB's.

Recover, recover….

Thank you all for coming out today. Great to see the regulars…  I watched OB blow by me on one of the laps today.  I don't know how you move that fast, but great work as always and crushing that 45 pound KB.  Bam Bam work on those Curtsies.  You'd think a guy who's been posting for a couple years could do this, but he was tripping all over himself.  But man can he fly as he blew past me a couple times on our laps what seems like no effort.  Again he was crushing the 45 lb KB on most exercises. Strong….  Ty, thanks for coming back to your old stomping grounds and setting the pace on the laps as always. Thanks for bringing out Fillmore.  Hope he comes back.  Us Isotope guys are "OK".  Bunyan and Raven, strong work as usual.  Hope you enjoyed the Turkish Get Ups, I did these just for you Bunyan.  And thank you Bam Bam for telling everyone after they got done with the exercise sucking wind that no one was doing them correctly.  Your leadership and words are astounding.  United and Flow great work.  You guys didn't give me too much grief as I tried to keep the exercises going.  Thank you all for following along.  I wanted to try something a little different and hope you all enjoyed it.  Thank you Bam Bam for giving me the keys to this great AO.  There is a rumor he is looking for handing off the Master Q duties.  So if anyone has ever thought abuot being the Master Q, I would highly recommend this AO.  No better time than now to step up.  That's what this is all about.  Until next time, see you in Da Gloom…
