9 for Mighty Oak

Despite the late #pb, 8 others joined me this morning at Mighty Oak. We persevered without the leadership of the MQ who is allegedly under the weather. Mosey over to the front of school and proper disclaimer and blood oath not to sue anyone ever were properly administered. [FNG is Dingo’s 2.0 Churchmouse.]


  • SSH x20 IC
  • IST x10 IC
  • Long snappers x10 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Toy soldiers x10 IC


  • Partner up. Approach the nice flower boxes out front of school. One partner does a lap around the school (basically a 400M lap) other partner starts with step ups. 500 reps – each step up is 1 rep. (We modified to 400 to leave time for some Dora)
  • Mosey over to the blocks. Grab said blocks and partner up for Dora. Slightly modified Dora for time. 50 squats, 100 merkins, 150 russian twists IC, while other partner does farmer carries down to the 2nd basketball goal and back. 2 blocks broken – someone notify the MQ.


  • W’s x15 IC
  • Low dollys x 10 IC
  • Jackknife LBC’s x10 IC each side


  • Thanks to everyone showing this morning despite the late #pb. Great push with minimal mumble chatters.
  • Not too humid finally, enjoy it while it lasts!
  • Stealing street signs is illegal and is punishable by serious jail time. Just call Rivera at LKN Graphics for all your sign needs – it’s way easier and less risk of jail time.
  • Thanks to Estwing for the chance to lead this morning. Get well soon.
  • Vote Gambini and Hippie in November!