9 Lives in two places would be a Copperfield!

FNG-1 is Slaughter the Nation Nantan/9 Lives cousin up from the home office to scout.  I arrived about a minute late for the standard to see 9 Lives, Slaughter, Titan, and Blackbeard waiting to run.  Blackbeard, Titan, and YHC ran Clydesdale while 9 Lives and Slaughter ran faster pace. (Maybe this is when 9 Lives showed up at General…) Once we got back the rest of the crew showed for some PDOP…aka…Parking Deck Of Pain.  Quick warmup of SSH, IST, Longsnapper, Windmill, and forward and backward arm circles.

Remember, each line you add rep starting with 1, then 2 then 3 and so on up to however many lines you choose.  We stopped at 15 which when added up is 120 total reps of each.

First fifteen lines up to the next deck – curls. Put bells down run up two levels and down stairs back to bells.

Next deck – squats same running pattern to follow up to next deck after each exercise.

Third deck – skull crusher then run

Fourth deck – KB Swing – run

Fifth deck to the top – Overhead press

A little mobility moment…Goat would be proud!



some arm stretches 

then head back down for Mary

zamparini down top in right

zamparini down second in left

around the world down next

reverse around the world down next

last between legs to mary


JLO by me

Hip Dip by The Force 

Recover Recover

I am not sure what Uncle Rico saw but if was truly 9 Lives, he is in the wrong profession.   It was great seeing Slaughter at the workout,  hope it meets the tough test.  I tried to do something that would not only impress Slaughter but keep mumblechatter to a minimum from Blackbeard and Titan, not sure about Slaughter but those other two really know how to talk.  Belair continues to kick butt.  Been seeing Bob Ross at more of my workouts lately, thanks for pushing.  I am glad Happy did not bring the bike today, don't know how he would have gotten it down the stairs each round.  Of course, The Force is a model MQ who is always leading the way in F3, thanks for the keys brother!  Down 2 more pounds at the weekly weigh in this week. I deserve a Dr. Pepper.

Amen Peace Out!