9 Men Despite the Conspiracy

It was a glorious morning for my first time Q’ing at Ludicrous Speed.  Despite the shadow banning by @F3Isotope to keep my #pb from being auto-retweeted, but with help by Stray to publicly call out this obvious conspiracy, 8 other men showed for much anticipated hill sprints.  


Warmorama and the Thang:

To warm up the hamstrings to prevent injury, we warmed up with a lap around Barnette (about a mile) then some toy soldiers, long snappers, IST’s, and Hillbillies, then into some stretching.

We proceeded to the bottom of the parking lot and into legit Ludicrous Speed sprints to the first island break, recover and repeat.  Then to the second break in the islands, recover and repeat.  Then to the top of the parking lot, recover and repeat.  And back down the ladder.  

I’m just glad that Duke’s Tyrese Proctor wasn’t there as we were running by because the wind generated as we ran past would have knocked him off his feet.

We cooled down with a lap and some much needed stretching.



Most other times I have Q’d at other AOs, the mumble chatter was at a minimum, and I have often asked Gambini if I was doing it right.  He assured me that I was, but I really wanted to test out my Q skills, so I looked for the most mumble chatter filled AO that I knew of and signed up for Ludicrous Speed.  The mumble chatter didn’t disappoint, but seemed to wane a bit as we progressed up the hill.

Despite the quick sprints, the group held together pretty well and I was impressed by the effort of everyone.  I didn’t know Calypso could move so fast.  Tantrum is always fast, and terrifying as he sprints up behind you like I imagine Braveheart in a bad dream, but breathing like his horse

Gambini tried to show off his fitness walking skills, but everyone was too intimidated to try it, so we stuck with sprinting.  Also, Gambini, this is an appropriate response time for a backblast – you need to get your priorities straight and focus on F3, not your work. 

Beave told the group that his name was going to be Beaver, but the naming group said it wasn’t family friendly.  Considering that my last name is Beaver, I’m not sure how to take that. 

It’s always nice to see Jedi and his positivity to keep us motivated.  Mulligan, Tuffy, and BEP also continued to push through the pain and become better men for it.  Thank you for the support and opportunity to lead.


Prayers for 66 and his family as well as Stray and his family.

– Drebin