9 Men Tackle Final Horseshoe of 2015

A cast of 9  showed at #PAINinsula for the final #Horseshoe of 2015.  The goal was to work a little bit of everything, as we wouldn't have time for warm-up or Mary.  Here’s how we rolled:

 The Thang:

 Each lap is .27 miles.  Each lap you do an exercise at the end and you add the previous lap’s exercise to the next lap until we get to the 6th lap.  With the start of the 6thlap, reverse ladder begins and you drop the 1st exercise and continue until you get to 1 exercise.  12 laps total if you finish.


  • 20 x Side Straddle Hop
  • 15 x Mountain Climbers
  • 20 x Tricep Dips
  • 15 x Jack Webb (modified due to time to be 15 'Mericans followed by 15 Air Presses)
  • 20 x Windshield Wipers
  • 15 x WWII Sit-ups

End 6:15 and return for COT.


  • Uncle Rico, Primo, and Beetlejuice are not signed up on the Isotope website yet, so were in attendance but not listed in the PAX here.  Get signed up!!
  • As expected, no time for Mary today with 12 laps instead of 10
  • Moses, Beetlejuice, Metallica, Primo, and Uncle Rico made 11 laps, the rest of us 10.  Great effort by the whole PAX
  • When we got to the Jack Webbs, Moses and Beetle were a bit ahead and I could tell 15 of them would take a LONG time, so we modified to the above
  • Thanks to Oyster for taking us out today
  • Oyster was war daddy and I was war baby
  • Primo has stepped up to Q January if he is in town, but something tells me he may look for a reason to not be here 🙂
  • Announcements: Q school tomorrow, big convergence in Charlotte on 1/1
  • Always a painful but good time at the Horseshoe.  Thanks men!