9 Pax For The Revolt Teeter to Teeter this AM

FNG 1 = Puddin (encouraged multiple times to register on the LKN website)

As a revision to the earlier Tweet, there were 9 Pax present, not 10 as initially reported.  The fallacious 10th Pax must have been F3 Fidel as there was a general expectation he would show up, but ultimately we were left asking #WWF?

So, 9 Pax didn't use the middle of the night thunderstorms as an excuse for hitting snooze and came out for a soupy morning run thorugh Davidson and Cornelius.  Both Harris Teeters were signted and F3Sandbox's shirtless run qualified for the other name for this route – Show Your Teets.

It was a great effort by all Pax present.  It's always a great Wedensday to see these men & put in the miles with them!