90 was the Magic number as we honor “Mr. Warmth” Don Rickles

Event Date

Apr 07, 2017

In honor of the late great Don Rickles who passed away on Thursday @ age 90,  that was the number of the day.  Three of us knocked out a standard then Toxic joined in  for  the fun.

Warm up



Cotton Pickers

Wind mills

Toy soldiers

Donkey kicks

Mountain Climbers



9 warm up exercises x 10 reps each equals 90

The Thang

We did 10 reps of each exercise and did 9 sets of each for 90 reps total of

Skull crushers

Overhead press

Full curl

Upright row

KB Swing

Lawn mowers


Calf raises

Had just enough time after this for 

JLO!!!!! x 15(not doing 90 on this one, not enough time)

Recover Recover doing Airborn mindbernders because Toxic wanted to.


I always loved Don Rickles and this came to me as I was thinking about what to do Thursday night.

Appreciate as always, Spare giving me the keys to Cauldron, my favorite KB workout.

Thanks to the brothers for showing up.  You always encourage me and keep me motivated.

Til next time. 

God bless!  Psalm 118:24
