1000 reps to start the week AKA where’s Scrappy?

13 men chose to turn off the alarm and get out of bed to face the day. YHC was grateful to see all the cars stream into the parking lot knowing he wouldn’t be solo. The disclaimer was provided and off we went on a mosey around the school. 

Slow Windmill
Side Dwight Shrutes 
Front and Back Dwight Shrutes 
The Thang
The Ultra Dora
Partner up for the following exercises:
100 KB squat thrusters 
200 KB Swings 
300 KB Curls
200 KB Overhead Press (we started with swings again but the Pax were displeased. Therefore, YHC being a Q who cares audibled to Press & skull crushers).
100 KB Skull Crushers 
Partner 1 would run to the parking lot while partner 2 did the exercise. 
Mosey to the playground. 
10 pull-ups OYO
10 Mericans IC
American Hammer 10 IC 
Go around the circle & Pax call a Mary exercise 
Suzanne Sommers 20 IC Each side ( Hippie)
Crunchy Frog 20 IC(Cobra Kai)
Low flutter with press 10 IC(Olive)
WW2 Sit-ups 10 OYO(Tweetsie)
Pretzel Crunch 10 IC each side (Hattrick)
One of the problems with a Dora workout is you don’t get to spend much time talking with the Pax. Everyone crushed it today especially on the way back down the Dora.
Upcoming events:
Polar Bear 2/12; OST benefit with Hope House at Peninsula Club 2/11 (ask Olive for details on volunteering); get on the calendar and Q 
Praying for Mickey, The Forces mom, Jorel’s mom, my mom, and all the moms of F3…
Until next time I SYITG