9er and Stray, are you home?

Event Date

May 07, 2018


it was my last MQ day at Titan so I thought I might cause a bit of mischief

Run to bottom of tanners

SSH X 20

Toy Soldier X 15

Merican X 10

Carrot Tugger X 15

Run to McIlwane

Squat X 10

Pretzel LBC X 10 each side

Run McIlwane into 9er and Stray's development, found a good place to stop

Pencil Pusher X 15

Monkey Humper X 15

Run back out and down McIlwane

Carolina Dry Dock X 10

Hill Billy X 15

Run to middle of Tanners

Merican X 10

WW2 X 15

Run back to home base

Crunchy Frog X 10

Elbow plank for a 10 count

Great having a good crew out here this morning.  Yes Jenny, more fun than bonesaw.  No Jingle I was NOT trying to kill you, its just that I care about your fitness.  Bob Ross and Mona Lisa, you are both on the cusp of being considered 'runners'.  66, I enjoyed reminiscing about the old days, and that killer spill I took on the ice.  On a more serious note, I MQ'd Titan for a bit over 4 years, enjoyed almost all of it,  Congrats, and thanks to Jaws for taking the MQ, I'm interested to see how it may change, no worries though, I'll still post (or I fear someone might do monkey humpers in my front yard!)