9th Annual Black Friday Convergence

Event Date

Nov 24, 2023


33 hungover and gaseous men descended on NMB to do a work-out so they could drink beer at 8AM. 

Abbreviated Warmorama:

  • SSH X 10
  • Windmill X 10
  • IST X 10

To the basketball courts for Christnado (Firestone). 

With the theme of the 12 days of Christmas, the PAX did each exercise for the amount corresponding to the number then a lap around the court. Like the song, the next exercise was added then back to one (lap). Most finished with an audible to shorten the run towards the end.

Suicide Shuffle (Crocs):

  • Multiple variations of suicides on the basketball courts including burpee, merican with bear crawl…
  • Mobility moment


  • Various exercises as Crocs asked for help from the crowd.

2nd F at primal.

  • Lighter turn-out then normal, will need to do more marketing for the 10th anniversary next year.
  • Primal was ready for us. Thank you for the strong turn-out. Fellowship was great. Meca men were the last standing at Primal. 
  • YHC saw 3 men that have been coming just to drink beer at 8AM for the 9 years this has happend. Crazy
  • Great turn-out from Meca
  • YHC did not have the time or energy to buy all the signs and all the writing…Also, avoiding getting everyone wet in the field again. I will at least make a second sign.
  • Thank  you Master Po for grabbing my chair and sign.
  • I heard multiple men sharting during mary. 
  • Thank you Crocs for your support. Great work-out.


