A little R&R at Halflife

Event Date

Dec 09, 2015

Four pax rose out of bed and ascended to Bailey Road Park for this week's edition of Halflife.  What transpired were final preparations for Saturday's Huntersville Half Marathon in the form of a little running and recovery.


The Thang:

1 mile (four lap) warm-up around track at 2nd F pace.

Good Mornings X 15

Windmill X 15

Various stretching excercises for what felt like an eternity for a tin man

2.5 mile mosey to where the sidewalk ends and back.

More stretching.


Total Miles covered:  3.5



It's always a good feeling to pull into Bailey Road and see that you are not alone at Halflife this week.  I would consider four to be a good turnout for December.

HatTrick takes the helm for next week's Halflife.  I'm expecting he dishes out a smoker.

Until then,
