The Calm Before the Storm

Event Date

Dec 30, 2015


15 IC MC
15 IC Tony Hawks

The Beatdown
Parking lot fun everything is do the move up the lot 2 lines and mosey back
Dragon Walk
Carioca left
Carioca right
High Knees
Burpee/Broad jump
Lunge Walk

Mosey to the Australian pull-up bar, 15 IC

Mosey to the bottom of the rock pile.  Sprint up the hill (REPEATO)
First 4 finishers grab your coupon/trophy and hold on to it, this is your restrictor plate for the next exercise, everybody back down the hill.
Run up the hill – 20 wall kicks
Run down the hill – 20 ‘Mericans
Repeato x 5

3 minutes of quadraphilia (gotta work the other side of the leg)

Everybody grab a rock
15 IC Crouching Curl
10 IC Skull Crushers
10 IC Overhead press

16 IC DR. W
16 IC Low Plank Hops
32 sec. Mason Twist

Reflection borrowed from 12/29/15 The Upper Room
Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged.

– Matthew 7:1 (CEB)

“During my college training for the ministry, I was appointed to an inner-city church near Sydney. While there we had many callers at the parsonage door looking for a handout. Because my wife and I heard some very tall tales of need, I sometimes viewed these requests with suspicion.

One morning a man called at the door seeking help. I told him that our church was not geared to do much, but if he would walk about 20 minutes up the street he would find a church that was organized to help people in need. He thanked me and left.

Later that day the man came back. When I asked how I could help, he said, “I have come back to thank you for your help. At the church you sent me to, they gave me food, some better clothing, and some money in payment for helping them with some tasks.”

I thanked him for coming back and wished him God’s blessing. I learned from that encounter not to judge others hastily, as we may never know when someone who asks for our help might have a genuine need.”

My take…One of the comments that hit me was this “I’d rather help someone who doesn’t need help than to not help someone that does.” I also saw a post on facebook yesterday where you can pre-make some gallon ziplock bags to give as handouts to someone in need.  Pack it with some socks, gloves, gift card for food, some food items, a little cash, some scripture and have it ready in your car to hand to someone at a stoplight.


  • We had a nice calm morning before the storm that blew through.  Does this winter thunder and lightning mean snow is coming?
  • Skipper had hopes that the 1st line was the 2nd during the dragon walk
  • YHC almost got a BS call by suggesting a repeato after the dragon walk
  • We shared the restrictor plate responsibility
  • The restrictor plates were used brake rotors from Clark’s vehicles over the last few years.  I thought they’d make awesome manly weights
  • E’rbody seemed to enjoy the crouching curls
  • 16 IC Dr. W’s, and Dragon Walk were the crowd pleasers
  • We started with 15’s and ended with 16’s (which I had to explain why…is it that early)
  • Thanks for letting me lead you fine gents today
  • Remember to pull for the Pack today, I think our D will need it