Ringing In 2016 with Pain Stations

A strong group of 12, one shy of a bakers dozen, climbed out of the fart sack to ring in 2016 with a good ol' fashioned boot camp beat down.  Here's how it went down:

Warm-a-rama: (5 Min)

Light run

SSH x 25

IST x 15

Cotton Picker x 15

Mountain Climber x 15

The Thang: (35 Minutes)

Station 1: (7 minutes)

Mini Murph OYO – (10) Pull-ups, (10) Push-ups, (10) squats.

Repeat all exercises for 7 minutes.  

Station 2: (7 minutes)

Mosey down to station 2.  All exercises are OYO.

Box Jumps x 10

Dercans x 10

Dips x 10

Repeat for 7 minutes.  The second time through alternate the Dercans with Incline 'Mercans.  

Station 3: (7 Minutes)

Mosey down to station 3, where we picked up some rocks.  All exercises in this station were followed by a run across the width of the parking lot and back to your rocks.  Move 3 rocks to the left and do the next exercise.

8 – count Body Builders x 10 IC – Run

Chest Press x 10 IC – Run

Curls x 10 IC – Run

Skull Crushers x 10 – Run

Time up, mosey to station 4…

Station 4:  (7 Minutes)

Mosey down to the Monkey Bars area.  Grab a cinder block.

Go across the MB

Bent – Over – Row x 10 IC

Lawn Mower x 10 IC

Repeat for 7 minutes

Station 5:  (7 minutes)

100 Burpee Challenge.  Partner up.  Partner A does burpees, while partner B lunge walks the width of the parking lot and Quadraphelia back to Partner A.  Flap jack for a combined 100 Burpees or time expired.  I think the time expired before anyone completed.  

Mary: (5 Minutes)

LBC x 20 IC

Freddie Mercury x 20 IC

J-Lo x 20 IC

Recover, recover….


As we found out from the movie There's Something About Mary, 7 minutes seems to be the magical number for each pain station.  It was truly an honor to lead these men today.  I was quite surprised that Toxic waited until Station 4 to treat us to a post New Year's Eve celebratory potpourri gift.  He never disappoints.

Shameless plug – A little over 4 months ago, when I started this crazy thing called F3, I would never had imagined working out on January 1, let alone leading the workout.  I am grateful for F3 what it has done for me.  Thank you all for letting me lead and I look forward to many more in 2016. 

Happy New Year!