The Berean – All 3 Fs delivered

Event Date

Jan 04, 2016


The Berean has a uniqueness to it, covering all 3 Fs. 

5 of us met at 4:30 to get in 2 miles of Rucking

5:00 – Tweetsie took control and focused on 1 minute, AMRAP

5:30 – We discussed, "What to do after being baptized".  

  • We discussed, studying God's word.  Making disciples.  Surrounding yourself with the right people, but not losing track of all (all deserve God's love).  Being a light to those around you.  Loving and following God's commands and his laws.  Works and Faith (faith without works are dead). All these things (and much more) all amount to love. 

2 Peter 1:5- – Describe this all very well.

5And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 6And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; 7And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. 8For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shallneither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ

Its almost like a progression.  

  • Faith is the conviction of truth.  Add to your faith virtue. 
  • Virtue is moral goodness.  So add moral goodness to your faith. And to virtue, add knowledge.
  • Knowledge is moral wisdom; especially things lawful and unlawful for Christians.  Add to knowledge, temperance. 
  • Temperance is self control.  Add to temperance patience. 
  • Patience is steadfast, consistent and enduring.  Add to patience godliness.
  • Godliness is striving to be like God or Holy.   Add to godliness, brotherly kindness.
  • Brotherly kindness is the love of your brethern in Christ.  Add to brotherly love, charity.
  • Charity is showing love, good will, benevolence.

It starts with faith, and builds.  As we become Christians, we see it is not so much rule following as learning that God (and God's laws) are all for love.  Christ came and loved His bride so much, he died for her (us)


  • If you havent been, The Berean is AWESOME.  A BackBlast doesnt even begin to touch on what happens here.  #show2know
  • Great group, props to DonHo for showing earlier than the 4:30 standard for some miles on his own.  Love that the 5am option is almost manditory.
  • What would you like to discuss?  We are going to discuss Tithing, and Loving your wife in a Godly way.  We went through the Parables in Matthew, would anyone want to pick up and continue from Luke and Mark?