Welcome Back Zamperini

After the glow of New Years comes reality. Of time to get beatdown. And we all have it better than Zamperini. 



Stroll the parking lot to a good spot for the warm-o-Rama. 

SSH X 25

Cotton picker X 20

IST X 20 

CDD X 20

Merkin X 15

Downward dog

Mosey to pull-up bars 

10 pull-ups / 10 LBCs

8 pull-ups / 12 LBCs

6 pull-ups / 14 LBCs

4 pull-ups / 16 LBCs 

2 pull-ups / 18 LBCs

and back up ladder


Mosey to gym wall 

People's Chair 2 mins w Airpresses X 20

Mhammed Ali's X 20


Mosey up hill and grab a block 

Zamperini w/ movement to knees and back up 

Curls X 10

Shoulder press X 10

Skull crushers X 10

move 2 blocks right


Chest press X 20


Partner up 10 curb shoulder presses / 10 upright rows

Break into 3 teams

Team 1 flip tire 3 times each and 5 merkins

Team 2 run to fountain and back 2 times

Team 3 Rosalitas 

Rotate until everyone has done all 3. 

Back To blocks 


Repalce blocks

mosey to Mary


Low flutter X 20

J Lo X 20 

V Ups X 10 each side

Plank 1 min


Naked Moleskin:

1) Good mumble chatter and abuse for all

2) Shoes new fav song "Love Me Two Times" by The Doors

3) Bad idea – upright rows on the curb

4) Awesome time at coffateria after   – should be such very week