Like Geese – We Fly Together

Event Date

Jan 16, 2016

I saw/felt some amazing things today and want to share before I start the with the usual stuff.

#1  The first being that an analogy I had cooked up in my workout, actually happened, just minutes before I had planned to speak about it.  As you will see below there is a section about when a goose falls out of formation, 2 go with him.  During a running section of todays workout, one of our PAX dropped out to catch his breath, and before I even noticed he was not back there, 2 guys yell out, "we lost someone" and peeled off to go back and get him.  Amazing!  I bring an anolgy to emphasize teamwork, but it does not appear that this group needs that lesson.

#2  Two FNG's coming out just gets me fired up!  FNG's, you may think we are there for you (and we are), but you are there for us too!  If a guy struggles during a workout, his struggle is my struggle, and that motivates me to try even harder to make us both better.

#3  Seeing a guy come back out that has not made it in a while (for whatever reason) also gets me jacked up!  School Bus, is todays example.  This guy alone can make the worst workout worth being at for just his entertaining comments.  We miss having you out there with us man, glad to have you back today!  We all have things in life that can pull us away from F3, life changes, work, family needs, medical issues,… lot of things.  Know that if you are part of this group, and you cant make it, we are praying for you at almost every workout.  Not that you come back, but that you are ok, and that whatever is keeping you from being with us, you can handle.  And if you can't handle it, let us know!


11 Strong today at Mustang (Those not included in PAX above were: School Bus, Bluescreen, FNG: Kringle, FNG:Eighty-Eight)  <– we cant tag you until you create an account at!

R leg over L, touch toes stretch,    L leg over R, touch toes stretch
Begin Geese analogy… Geese honk to keep each other aware of their presence.  So as we do our workout today I want everyone to focus on cadence; everybody counts, loud and proud, we do this together!
15 IC Windmill Cotton Pickers
15 IC Semicircle Mountain Climbers
10 IC  Merkins
15 IC Squats
10 IC Low Cotton Pickers

The Thang:
Chumbawamba burpees – to the song Tubthumping by Chumbawamba (Stolen from The Sword) – That’s continuous SSH and do a burpee every time you hear “I get knocked down” for a total of 3:41sec, and approx 26 burpees.

Mosey down to new blocks/rocks on practice field…
10 IC Curls with block
10 IC Skull Crushers block
5 IC Chainsaws with block L
5 IC Chainsaws with block R
Put all blocks up, but keep one out… muhahaha

Continue Geese analogy…When Geese fly in formation they fly 70% more efficiently than if flying alone by flying in the wake of the bird in front of them… The leader bears the most work and when tired, falls back and another Goose takes lead.  The V formation also allows the leader to easily see where everyone is by looking left and right.
Geese Flight – PAX form a V pattern, Begin slow mosey, Guy in front runs with block, hands the block to next guy and drops back after about 10 seconds up front, next guy with block moves up, leads 10 seconds, then drops back to opposite side, next guy moves up, etc.  Like a reversed Indian run.  Go by the loading docks, around the buses, the long way to the tennis court area.
?While running by the wall, we had to stop and get in some "Fall into the wall" merkins.  Shhh… I also needed to catch my breath.     
10 IC Derkins
10 IC Dips
10 OYO Hop ups – step down

Geese analogy continued… When a goose is sick, shot, or falls behind, two geese will fall out with him and remain to protect him until he dies or can fly again.  They either rejoin the group or start a new V.
PAX count off, remember your number!
Pick up the block and back into V formation… begin to slow mosey… Q calls out a number; if it is yours you have been shot, get the block, fall out and do 2 block burpees.  The two guys closest to you will also fall out and do 5 merkins.  Then you will all sprint to rejoin the group.  Q calls out next number, repeating until everyone has been shot.  All the while making our way back from where we came to return the block.
Mosey to Australian Bar… and partner up…
10 OYO Angel Wings (switch and repeat)
10 IC Australian Pull ups
Mosey to a dry area…
10 IC Crab Cakes
10 IC Plank hip taps

Mary Go Round:
PAX choice – each choose a Mary exercise for quantity 10
?Someone always has to throw in Dr. W's…  moan…..


Last Geese analogy
Know where your flock is going, if you are spending your life with people going the wrong way, find a new flock.  And when it is your turn to lead the flock, make sure you know where you are going!  Always keep your eye on the target.

Proverbs 4:25 NLT
Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you.


  • Pleased to welcome on board: Eighty-Eight & "Kringle"
  • Frisbee customized a 2.0 Block.?
  • Glad to see School Bus back out in the gloom with us.
  • Hop-ups on wet benches = Nervous.
  • Please add you own, there was plenty of mumble chatter today…