Just Some Monday Morning Leg Work

Event Date

Jan 18, 2016



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5 souls emerged from the cold, dark gloom to put in the necessary work to keep their girlish figures.

*Adding Liger (WB) manually since his F3 name isn't available on the site yet.


10       IC        SSH

10       IC        Mountain Climbers

10       IC        Merkins

10       IC        Cotton Pickers

10       IC        Tony Hawks

10       IC        Squats



  • Mosey from the start to the side entrance to track and back around to bleachers
  • 3-minute drill
    • Box jumps up the bleachers
    • 10 calf raises at the top
    • Burpee on each step on way down
    • Repeato for 3 min.
  • Mosey to Quadrophelia hill
  • 3-minute drill up the hill
    • Backwards run/jog/walk – OR
    • Army crawl
  • Mosey back to track
  • ELEVENS (run plus 11 reps split between two exercises)
    • Round 1: 100m run, 10 merkins, 1 squat
    • Round 2: 100m run, 9 merkins, 2 squats
    • Round 3: 100m run, 8 merkins, 3 squats
    • etc., etc., until 1 ‘merkin, 10 squats
  • Partner Carry from start line to field house wall.  Swap ½ way if you’re not carrying a 2.0
  • Balls to the wall – 2 minutes (ok…scratch that…face plant!… 1:15…)
  • Wall push-off push ups – 2 minutes
  • Iron Chair – 2 minutes, 1st minute with air presses
  • 400m run
  • Head back for 6MOM



10       IC        LBCs

10       IC        Peter Parkers

10       IC        Dr. Ws

45       sec      Mason Twist



Acts 10:34-35

So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.



  • Kudos to C# for the double-down on a cold holiday.    T-claps, bro!
  • Liger wins the Tough-Kid-of-the-Day award as the only 2.0 to brave the early-morning cold on a day when he could have been sleeping in.
  • Speaking of sleeping in…we seem to have missed a few of you this morning.  It’s cold – we get it.  It’s early – we get it.  It’s your day off – we get it.  You had a few too many while celebrating the Panthers’ win – we get it.  Now get your butt out of the fartsack!  You will feel better and you will get better.
  • Liger was also the only one who tackled the frozen tundra and chose to army-crawl the Quadrophelia hill. T-claps!
  • Closer decided to pick up the pace on the final 400m lap.  Said something about wanting monster calves like Ziplock's??
  • Next opportunity to make your down-painment: Tuesday @0530 at Sailview (SVU) and Wednesday @ 0530 at ELHS (Mustang).  Dress in layers, it’s only cold for the first few minutes 😉
  • As always, it is an honor to given the opportunity to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.