Trolling Patriots Fans and Running Like We Stole Something

10 mighty PAX and YHC decided we'd had enough with 32 SSH and 29 Mountain Climbers (the famous intro from NoCo's biggest Patriots fan, our dear friend N1teSt1ck), so we tried something a little different.  Here's roughly how it all went down:

0500: Blackberry, Mr. Burns, and YHC for a ~2 mile standard run.  At one point we were at the end of a cul de sac, but no issues with getting back on time.

0530: Very quick mosey around the parking lot, due to ice.  Mixed in some high knees and butt kickers. 

Quick Disclaimer including the fact that I've stolen a bunch of things from random backblasts.


  • SSH x 18 IC
  • IST x 18 IC (Believe it was Ultraman who asked "Hey didn't the Patriots score 18 yesterday?"  Yes!  Let the trolling begin)
  • Cotton Pickers x 18 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats (Down for 3, up on 4) x 18 IC
  • 1 min LBAC (Little Baby Arm Circles – name stolen from Jedi)
  • Mini Burpee Sandwich (stolen from Lego at Hollywood) This is 10 merkins, then 5 burpees, then 10 merkins OYO
  • Plank for 1 min

The Thang:

Mosey to the Track!  Scrawny dudes notice tracks, even if crudely outlined in chalk.  YHC shoveled off any ice last night but figured it would be sketchy today, and it was.  Audibled and set up cones down the long side making a roughly 1/8th mile loop.

The person to my left would run once around the loop, and everyone else would do an exercise.  The runner was asked to remember the exercise they were missing because they'd do it later.  We did:

  • Merkins x 18 IC
  • Jump Squats 18 OYO
  • WW2 Situps 18 OYO
  • CDDs x 18 IC
  • Hold Al Gore Position
  • LBCs x 18 OYO
  • Ranger Merkins (hands near ribs, stolen from N1teSt1ck) x 18 OYO
  • Jump Lunges x 9 each leg OYO
  • Low Flutter for the entire time
  • Chuck Norris Merkins (on your knuckles, also stolen from N1teSt1ck) x AMRAP
  • Burpees (Met with a "universal BS" as YHC was to run during this)

Then we did:

  • Community Lap
  • 1 min AMRAP of the exercise you missed while running
  • Repeato:
  • Community Lap
  • 1 min AMRAP of the exercise you missed

Mosey to the benches for:

  • (Frozen) Derkins x 18 OYO
  • Dips x 18 IC
  • Derkins x 15 OYO (audible bc YHC was smoked)
  • Dips x 12 OYO

Then Community Lap, Mini Burpee Sandwich, followed by a "slow-sey community lap".

Mosey to the wall for:

  • People's Chair
  • Air Shoulder Presses x 18 IC
  • Calf Raises x 18 IC

Mosey back for Mary, which I believe went something like:

  • LBCs x 12 IC, Q experienced a flem issue, so switch to:
  • Elbow Plank, Right Arm Up, Reg-u-lar (stolen from Hat Trick), Left Arm Up, JLOs x 18 IC
  • Low Flutter x 30 IC by Blackberry (hey, 30?  We're trolling here bro!)
  • The W x 18 IC by IKEA
  • Plank Again (The Q apologized for flem issue, since we did plank for an annoying amount of time)

Recover, recover.


  1. In addition to the Patriots trolling, YHC recognizes that Panther fans deserved to celebrate too.  But 49 repetitions of anything is simply too hard to pull off!
  2. You can use buzz words and phrases like "Community Lap" and "Slow-sey" all you want, but Ty Webb is simply not slowing down for any of that.
  3. Truthfully hadn't considered what 11 different exercises being done at the same time would look like.  Watching Mr. Burns holding a solid Al Gore while everyone did whatever else, was awesome.
  4. Please check the announcements page for all the latest and greatest happenings.
  5. Thank you Blackberry for the opportunity to Q here.
  6. Thank you to all the PAX who came out despite the cold.  It's an honor to share the same track with you. 

Aye, have a great week brothers.