A Little Hair of the Dog that Bit Us

Event Date

Jan 26, 2016


10 Men arrived for a little hair of the dog that bit them the day before (a.k.a. Murph recovery) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKdGWyoZMpY



10IC Skier Swings

10IC Mountain Climbers

10IC Rotational punches


The Tabata Thang (20 seconds on 10 seconds rest) holding two 5lb weights


Skier Swings

Squat Thrust

Rotational Punch

Chop (swing like chopping wood)

Discus Throw (just the motion, 15 burpee penelty for throwing your weight)

Ground and Pound

Speed Z Press (sitting chest press)

We did 3 rounds ran a double hill run and 3 more rounds followed by a run up the short hill.


6 MoM

60 second Mason Twist with 5lb weight


10IC Freddy Meurcery

10IC Low Flutter

10IC Low Dolly

60 second Mason Twist with 5lb weight



Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you.

Remembered several in prayer including Khaleda (Goodwrench's niece), BJ, Braylon, & Greg



Lots of squats day after the Murph. YHC replied that we all need a little hair of the dog. I still feel the after effect of the Murph.

Add any MC in comments…the combo of little sleep, busy work day and the challenge of helping with homework and turned my brain to mush.


YHC MetroDog