A FarmersOnly.com inspired workout…

I was a colder than expected morning on the farm (LFC) and 3 brave Pax gathered for the ruck standard (TBone, Jedi, Landshark), and made it back in time to see other Pax gathered for a FarmersOnly.com inspired beat down.  Some of the resident rucktards (YHC included) decided it was a good idea to keep our rucks on for the workout to keep warm – unlike Mr Burns' definition of "ruck friendly" this workout was closer to the truth.  Here is how it went down…


Mosey around the parking lot to monkey bar ladder forest

SSH x 25 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

High 5 Mercans x 10

Pax were then instructed to grab a cinderblock, partner up and mosey to the parking lot


Partner Relays

Mercans x 100

Squats x 200

Flutter Kicks x 200 IC

Partner 1 farmer carries both block across the parking lot and back, Partner 2 starts named exercise, flap jack and repeat until all the above are complete and plank it out

Mosey to other parking area, circle up

Block swings x 15 OYO

21 curls (as a group) 7 x High, Low, Full

Block presses x 15 OYO


Mosey back to monkey bar forrest, return blocks, then back to parking lot for Mary


Partner mercans x 10

WWII sit-ups

Touch them heels


  • Great work out of the Pax – you vs. you – and everyone pushed through the workout exceptionally well
  • Pax noted that farmer carries are harder than they look and good for your grip.  YHC would agree whole haeartedly
  • I try not to make the Pax do math in the morning, but it was funny to see some struggle and come to grips with the fact that 200 flutter kicks in cadence really equals 400!
  • Finally, based on the Pax recommendation, there will be no more exercises that were derived from Women's Shape magazine on-line

It was a pleasure as always doing business with you all
