Ab blasting begets other blasting

Event Date

Feb 01, 2016


It was a warm morning for some ab work, and a bit of running, the pax continued to gather, my watch batter died, yet YHC was glad to see so many join now that the ice has melting.

To begin, we were running.

Warm up


Peter Parker X 10

Parker Peter X 10

Imperial Stormtrooper X 15

Cotton Picker x 15

Running, long lap to the pit

Over ledge leg cruches X 15

Dying Cockroach X 15


Running….to playground in Tanners Creek

Swing Crunches X 12

WW2 X 15

Elbow Plank


Runnning…..Tanners up the hill to spoke #5 (or 4 Turpike would remember)


Hip Dip X10 each side

Touch Dem Heels X 25

Running….out of Tanners the back way to top of hill

Pretzel X 10 each side

Running….1/2 way back

LBC X 25

Runnning….back to home base

Throw and Catch X 10

Elbow Plank 10 count for each


I did spare you few sets fo abs, but fit almost all in there.  Depending on your watch we covered between 3.1 and 3.3 miles.  Thanks TBone and Turnpike for the mileage count.  As I moseyed home with Jaws he made a salient observation….when we do abs the flatulence sure comes out.  Speaking of which first place today goes to Jenny, no I'm not talking about the running….The Professor certainly snuck a few silent ones in there, one I think during the warm up.  I definately enjoyed this morning, hope it was tough enough thanks for starting my week of right, hope you agree!.  Next week I was aiming for the 5 miler (or 4), but I'm debating due to the superbowl…..opinions welcome below.