Superbowl Saturday

Event Date

Feb 06, 2016

9 PAX (Not listed above are: Soldier and Bluescreen)

R leg over L, touch toes stretch,    L leg over R, touch toes stretch
10 IC Windmills
10 Semicircle Mountain Climbers
20 SSH
10 Merkins
10 Copperhead Squats
10 Allen Iversons

The Thang:
Mosey down to the track for 100 yards of pain: dab on ‘em lunge walks, karaoke left, karaoke right, dragon walk
Line up on football field goal line for Mountain climber (whistle) 10 yard sprints for full length of field.
To the wall for 1 minute iron chair with air presses.
Competitive sprints with all you got (50 yard dash), mosey back (10 sec count) repeat 4X.
To the bleachers… for follow the leader. (up steps, side skips, down the stairs, side skips, up, high knees, down, all over the place, etc…)
10 IC Derkins
10 IC Dips
Mosey to practice field for small circuit…

  • 5 Pull ups each (LBC option for 2.0’s)
  • 10 Australian pull ups.
  • Sprint from football sled to other football sled (approx 50 yards)
  • Mosey to corner for 10 Squats
  • Mosey to rope ladder, one time threw it Rope ladders are garbage.
  • Mosey to next corner for 10 Merkins (repeat circuit about 4 times)

Circle up for Football toss sit ups (Call out a name and throw it to them, hot potato).
Mary go round, PAX choice – each choose an exercise (speed round)

A football team consist of many different talents.  It takes them all to function well. Ex: A quarterback can’t do much without the rest of his team.
So what is your role here today?  Are you the guy who…
– sometimes leads the workout
– encourages the guy in the back
– likes to count out cadence
– text the guy who didn’t show today
– cracks jokes to distract us from our pain
– recruits new members to share what we have
– or farts just to throw everyone off

F3 is similar to any team sport.  We all have roles that the F3 team needs. 
No one person is F3, we are F3 and we do this together.

More importantly living a Christian life requires good teammates.  We all have different talents and gifts.  Make sure you are using those to be part of God’s team and spread the word of Christ.  Also make sure that we follow our saying of “Iron Sharpens Iron”.  We push each other out here physically, but do we push each other to be stronger in our faith?  Let’s not get caught up in making our sword shinny in appearance, work on making it sharp.  Who are you disciplining and who is disciplining you?  It’s through teaching, fellowship, communion, and prayer.  All are activities that provided opportunities for sharpening one another.  So I ask you some hard questions… Are you regularly going to church? Are you in a life group or Sunday school class? Are your kids in Sunday school worship? I’m not preaching hells fire and damnation, but instead encourage heavens blessings and eternal life. I want to be there (church/worship), and I want you to want to be there too.

Romans 12:4-5 (ESV)
4 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

• Man… coming off a few days of being sick with a cold makes for an interesting Q.  I was wobbly, could hardly keep my own count, and got to into my reflection and completely forgot my bible verse!   It was a good one to, so if you skipped over that part, circle back for it.
• On the way home Garrison tells me “You should not have said those bad words today!”????  I said “What did I say”? (as I did not recall saying anything inappropriate)  He replies, “You said “Hell” and “Damnation”, and those are really bad words!”  So I had to do some explaining on the way home…  But you know what I like best about that?…  He thought I had done something wrong and he called me out on it!  Iron Sharpens Iron!  Bam!!!!!!
• I know there was much more, but that’s all I got for now.