Revolution365 | Day 38-44 (Bible in a Year)

Event Date

Feb 07, 2016




One Month Down…

We have made it through 1/12 of the Bible at this point.  Don't let up.  If you haven't taken a look at the Bible discussion going on in The REV365 Chatroom, #doit.  

T-Claps to Silverbullet, JollyRoger, Blackbeard and others for getting our conversations flowing.  Keep it up.

Week In Review

Old Testament
This week has been an amazing week in the Old Testament.  The Lord has delivered the Israelites from Egypt through incredible feats and destroyed their enemies.  They are grateful and sing songs of praise to the Lord as a result.  

Like us from time to time, the Israelites do not seem to be satisfied with the blessings God provided and they begin to grumble about having no food.  The Lord provides and we see Him provide Quail for meat and Mana from Heaven.

Moses finds himself settling disputes so often that he has no time to do anything else.  Moses father-in-law Jethro arrives on the scene, sacrifices to God, and offers Moses advice.  As a result, the worlds first and arguably one of it's best managers is born in Moses.

We conclude this week's reading in the Old Testament with the 10 Commandments.  Essentially, Moses lays down The Law.

New Testament
Jesus continues "breaking eggs" with the Pharisee and religious establishment.  A good reminder for Jesus for us to not forsake a relationship with Him for the practice of honoring Him.  The are both from Commandment 1 that we just went through in Exodus.  Also, Jesus reminds of that earlier this week while telling us that the first two Commandments are the greatest.


  1. Do you see places in your life where it would have been good for a "Jethro" to show up and offer advice?  Did that happen and you missed it?
  2. Why do you think we are learning so much detail about the Ark of the Covenant?  Why is God so particular?  
  3. Jesus tells us that the first two Commandments are the most important because they sum up all of the others.  In what ways have done this well in the last week?  What ways did you miss it?
  4. Can you identify the characters in Jesus' wedding parable story when He talks about the banquet?  Who is the King?  Who are the original guests?  The new guests? And finally, who is the one in dirty clothes and why does he end up the way he does?  

Week 2/7 – 2/13 Reading Plan (Listen Along Here:

Exodus 28:1-43
Matthew 25:31-26:13
Psalms 31:9-18
Proverbs 8:12-13



Exodus 29:1-30:10
Matthew 26:14-46
Psalms 31:19-24
Proverbs 8:14-26



Exodus 30:11-31:18
Matthew 26:47-68
Psalms 32:1-11
Proverbs 8:27-32



Exodus 32:1-33:23
Matthew 26:69-27:14
Psalms 33:1-11
Proverbs 8:33-36



Exodus 34:1-35:9
Matthew 27:15-31
Psalms 33:12-22
Proverbs 9:1-6



Exodus 35:10-36:38
Matthew 27:32-66
Psalms 34:1-10
Proverbs 9:7-8