Daytona Qaulifier 125 miles

5 of the finest Super Bowl watching men in isotope set their alarm and met in the gloom t get the 2nd week in February off to a proper start.

The thang:

Mosey to the end of the parking lot

SSH X 20


Cotton Picker X 20

Mountain Climber X 20

IST X 20

KB Lunge walk to end of parking lot and back, 20 yards each way

MAIN EVENT- Partner up, Partner 1 runs to other end of parking lot and back (125 yards each way), while other partner does as many reps as possible of the following exercise until they reach 125 as a team

KB Swings

Right single arm overhead press 

Left single arm overhead press


Sumo squats

Crazy Ivans (crowd favorite)

Around the world

Curl to shoulder press


No time for Mary, Hat Trick said she is annoying anyway.


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Super bowl run down:

Lady Gaga knocked it out of the park on national anthem, Blue Angels flyover kicked ass, halftime show was meh

Cam ahould wear a patch IWAP in Super Bowl for not even attmepting to recover his own fumble when game was still within reach

Thomas Davis is an absolute stud for playing with the ulna fracture <2 weeks out from surgery

GG liked the Prius commercial the best, overall crowd felt the commercials were weak

Budweiser and Papa John's pizza – not much excitment in the pax for that combo

2) GG getting over a GI bug of mammoth proprtions that brough him to the limits of his intestinal fortitude. Glad you were feeling better and could join us

3) Olive, Outlaw, Gnarly Goat and Hat Trick were ready to partake in a pure 2nd F event until Shaken (definitely not stirred) arrived with the force of reason that we must work out! we were always going to  do the workout, but planning a fartsack that included 2nd F and coffee was fun nonetheless.

4) Olive has a birthday (Friday?) and an anniversary Q this week at Mad Scientist, please give the man some support!

5) Polar Bear rundown:

Only full immersion hydro-burpee belonged to Olive, yep, I saw it. No, I didn't join him

Was a great event, other than the running (7+miles for my team) and the Burpees. Well, that may have been the whole event! I will get you Special Sauce when you least expect it.

Really, had a great time and T-claps to Freedom, 9-lives, Special Sauce and RamRod for a well executed beat down of epic proportions where you choose your own adventure. 

It is true, my team won not one, not two, BUT THREE Burpee challenges.  Quota for the 1st quarter of the year was exceeded

6) Great workout this AM gentlemen, it was a pleasure. Doesn't look bad on paper, but it was a beatdown.

AYE! Outlaw