2-for-1 Special at Samson

Event Date

Feb 11, 2016


8 mighty Samsonites joined YHC for a ruck friendly block workout at Samsom.  66 went for a solo Ruck before the workout, but wasn’t feeling ok afterwards so Jedi and YHC wished him well.  Here is how it all went down.

Mosey (power walk, no running!) to the woods.

Quick Disclaimer

WARM-O-RAMA  (ruck friendliness was planned in advance, no rucks worn though)

  • IST x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC (Down for 3, up on 4)
  • LBAC (Little Baby Arm Circles)
  • Crucifix? Seal Claps? (chest stretches they've done at The Blender, can't recall what they called it)

The Thang:

Everybody grabbed 2 blocks.  We took them for a LONG walk to the multi-purpose building.

Round 1:  At the multi-purpose building.  We did two exercises on a muscle group, one with blocks, one without.

  • Shoulder Press x 15 IC
  • Balls to the Wall
  • Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Dips x 15 IC (using 2 blocks stacked on each other)
  • Chest Presses x 15 IC
  • On one block for Inclined Mericans x 6 IC (Smoked myself!)
  • Slow Deep Block Squats x 15 IC
  • Jump Squats x 15 OYO
  • Slow Calf Raises holding BOTH blocks x 10 IC (on my up and hold)
  • Calf Raises on one block (without holding any) for full extension raises x 15 OYO
  • Farmer carry both blocks to the pull up bars.

Round 2:  At the pull up bars.

  • Bent over block rows x 15 IC
  • 8 pull-ups
  • Curls x 15 IC
  • Partner assisted reverse rows on pull up bars x 10 OYO
  • Negative Chest Presses x 10 IC
  • Use one block for Declined Mericans x 10 OYO
  • Block Lunges x 20 (10 each side) OYO
  • Jump Lunges without blocks x 20 OYO

Round 3:

  • Block swings x 20 OYO
  • Farmer carry both blocks to the bottom of the parking lot nearest the steps
  • Block swings x 15 OYO

Round 4 – Mary:

  • Farmer carry to return blocks to the woods.
  • Circle up around my car for Mary, with "Kashmir" playing in the backround, for:
  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up, JLOs x 15 IC
  • Mason Twists x 20 IC
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • More Plank!
  • 1 Burpee

Recover, recover. 


  1. How lucky, on this 2-for-1 themed workout we had 2 second post FNGs!  Tim Conway informed us he heard of F3 from a FIA friend.  He thought about asking his brother to join, but instead asked his brother-in-law Bill, formerly known as FNG as well.  Tim is a diehard Michigan fan.  We threatened the name "Izzo", at which point he said this would be his last workout if we did!  So, we settled on "Izzy", as in:  "Izzy going to show up again?!?"  We think he will.  We learned a bunch about Bill as well.  He is married with 3 children.  Bill works for MetLife and does on-boarding for Financial Advisers.  And, Bill is from Canada!  Though he doesn't speak French, coming from Canada was what prompted the name "Candy", as in John Candy. 
  2. So, Izzy, and Candy, welcome!  The workouts don't get any easier, but you'll get better at handling them.  We hope that you humbly consider Samson every Thursday for your workout needs  : )  Once you are registered on this website, I'll edit the names in the PAX list accordingly.  16-Feb update: Entered Izzy and Candy into the PAX list.
  3. Believe Uncle Rico did 16 (or more?) pull-ups instead of 8.  Then, when YHC wasn't very clear on "Partner assisted reverse rows on pull up bars", Uncle Rico simply did more pull-ups.  As we waited for everyone to first arrive at the Monkey Bars, he banged out like 30 block mericans.  #Beast.
  4. Carpet Bagger, Bijoux, and Jedi are all quite beastly as well.  Great group today.
  5. 66, get well brother.
  6. If you happen to be a scrawny guy like YHC, always good to see familiar friendly faces like Hasselhoff and Smokey when attempting to Q a non running workout.  You can't wear these dudes out, but they'll never complain.
  7. Thank you Jedi for the opportunity to Q at Samson.  Clearly, there are other AOs that would better suit a scrawny guy…but you’ve always made folks feel welcome here, and the encouragement is noticeable and appreciated.  You’re one of the coolest dudes in all of F3 in my humble opinion.
  8. Thank you Lawn Dart and Rocket for EH’ing me into F3.  There’s a 0.00 percent probability I would even try, let alone lead, a workout like this if not for F3.

Aye, brothers.