Round and Round We Go

Event Date

Feb 13, 2016


8 PAX strolled into the AO with quite a bit of mumblechatter.  Skipper was at the helm…..

Warm Up-A-RAMA:

20 IC Seal Jacks

10 IC Long Jump Recoils (Long Jump = Count 1; 3 squat jumps back to original spot)

Football Drill

10 IC Confused Bear

Indian Run w/ Sprint to Webbs Chapel Church – When Q calls PAX name, they lead us for 5 IC Exercise of choice.  (Had some good ones, starburst burpees was my fav….thx Goodwrench)

Webb Chapel AO:

Pick Your Poison – Parking Lot Fun.  Choice A = Short Version; Choice B = Long Version of parking lot

Q calls an exercise, and the PAX plank walks sideways, stopping to do the exercise, 1 rep before moving to the next line.  Then at the end we did a lap around the church.  Choice A = 8 lines, Choice B = 17 lines.  

Round 1:  Theuss picks A, but Q overrides and chooses B  #Qisalwaystheboss

 – Donkey Kicks each line; run around church

Round 2: Choice = A

 – Groiners each line; run around church

Round 3:  Footer chooses B!  

 – Burpees each line; run around church

Head to the benches – Partner Up:

Round 1: Table Tricep Dips; while partner runs around church

Round 2: Merkin Table Crosses; partner runs around church

Round 3: Merkin/Incline Merkins; repeato run

Round 4: Merkin/Derkin; repeato run

Back to the Parking Lot:

Partner Mirrors, each partner lines up on opposite side of parking lot, meets in the middle and reverses exercise.  

 – Frog Jump/Jump Frog

*Couple walking there dog remarks…"wow, are they human"?  Yes we are, barely.  #f3strong

Indian Run with Sprint back to AO; PAX leads 5 IC Exercise of choice when Q calls their name


 – 20 IC WWI 

 – 20 IC Plank Ups

 – 10 IC Box Cutter

 – 20 IC Freddies

 – 10 IC Superman Raises

??WHAT no mason twist???? feels weird

Reflection:  Hebrews 12:1-2

Therfore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.  Some of the PAX received weight vests for Christmas which adds a few pounds to their back to make each workout that much harder.  I asked Metrodog how nice it feels when he goes home and takes that weight off his back.  "Feels real good".  All of us, myself definitely included, tend to carry emotional/materialistic weights on our backs.  Grievances, regrets, mistakes, vengence, whatever it is.  This makes our walk harder.  Wouldn't it be nice to take that weight off our backs?  We'd be higher impact men for sure.  I write my "weights" down for reference.  We all have our demons we fight.  Call them out, write them down, and take them off your back.  You don't need them.  You've got more important things to accomplish.


*Atlantis got rid of some of his weight during warm ups  #portapottyconvienance

*Great creativity on the Indian Run exercises

*Vortex  "Call them what you want, I'm calling them burpees"…classic

*Not too cold this morning, nice to get out of the hood to get a change of scenary

*Still can't figure-out how to do those jumpfrogs, however you try to do them, they still suck

*Pleasure to lead and be led by you gentlemen…..have a great weekend and be HIM