Man Maker Monday is a kettle bell beatdown


**Olive, ruck Standard

**Nitestick, Smokey, Auto, Lego, Snoopy, Gray Ghost with a run Standard

**Quick Stop = Respect and War Daddy!

**Snoopy = Did the run Standard but had to jet prior to MMM.  Left a couple kettle bells for the pax to use…thanks Snoop!

So Catfish, Frontier, Hat Trick, Quik Stop, Shaken, Spare, and Slugger got to re-live this classic, with some variations, for a 2nd month in a row.  YHC knew we had Pax-new-to-MMM coming today and wanted to ensure they got their money's worth.  Thought I was clear it was a KB beatdown but apparently not.  That's ok, the faithfull MMM'ers brought their spare bells and we had just enough for all, including my M's 15 pounder.  The plan all along was to rotate bells…muhahaha!!!

The temp was about perfect for F3 beatdowns in the mid-50's. 


  • SSH x 20
  • Peter Parker x 15
  • MTN climber x 15
  • Windmill x 10

Competitive superset rounds…each superset includes exercises for the same muscle groups with little rest between exercises. 

Round 1…Legs

  • KB Goblet Squat x 15 IC
  • KB Alternating Back Lunge…hold KB in left hand for 5 alternating lunges IC x 5; switch to right hand for 5 more IC.
  • 25 KB swings OYO

***Move 2 KBs to your right***

Round 2…Pushing

  • KB Jack Webb. "Down" for Merkin and "Up" for KB shoulder-press.  Start at 1 each, increase by 1 until up to 7 each.
  • Upright Rows x 10 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 10 IC

***move 2 KB to your right***

Round 3…Pulling

  • KB curl x 10 IC
  • Plank Rows with KB in left hand x 10 IC
  • Plank Rows with KB in right hand x 10 IC
  • Lawnmower with KB in left hand x 10 IC
  • Lawnmower with KB in right hand x 10 IC

***move 2 KB to your right***

Round 4…Core

  • Line up facing parking lot island.  Bear crawl around island.
  • Low flutter x 25 IC
  • Russian Twist x 15 IC

Repeat rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2…continue to move 2 KB to the right after each round…moving 5 to right so we could finish the last round with our original KB.  Finished with everyone's favorite, the Jack Webb.  Left enough time for low-flutter with KB press x 15 IC, touch-dem-heels x 10 IC, and Freddie Mercury x 15 IC.

  • All pax crushed it as usuall today
  • Hope the new Pax enjoyed their first MMM experience
  • I heard at least 2 BS calls…and 1 in my head
  • We rotated by 2 KBs until the last set…somehow YHC was able to avoid the 35 pounders…i know there were at least 2, one from Snoopy and the other one Smokey's.
  • Olive's ruck is made by Land's End
  • Smokey doesn't miss a coaching opportunity, as I experienced when I tried to skip Russian Twists
  • Thank you for allowing me to lead today men and thank you to Aussie for the EH way back when!
