F3 Tree Removal Company…oh and a VQ to boot!

I showed up at 5am to survey the AO and get mentally prepared for the hazing that (I would only assume) accompanies a VQ.  With all the rain the last couple of days I was curious to see how much fun we were going to have in the woods.  Turned out to be fairly dry…although a 60 foot pine took out one of my fun stations…I never trusted those parallel bars anyway.

At about 5:25 the parking lot starting filling up…even had a clown car with 4 Pax!  Then, I noticed the bouncing headlamps of Olive, 66, and Jedi…returning from a mere 2.5 mile ruck.  At that point I’m thinking…here goes nothing…

11 weeks ago I started this epic journey (with a little EH nudge from Ditka).  Truthfully, I didn’t need to join such a motley crew; I figured I’d already lost over 50 pounds by getting rid of the bad stuff in my life.  But ok, I’ll give this “fight club” like workout a shot…plus, did you say it’s free?  I’m in. 

Every week since then, I’ve posted at least twice and started noticing some changes with my body.  My M even noticed the other day my arms were more defined…which she thought was sexy.  Score!  But still something was missing.  I kept hearing F3 is more than just a workout…but to me…that’s what it felt like.  Yes I’ve met some other dudes but admit ably, never attended a 2nd or a 3rd F; after all, getting to know someone at o’dark thirty isn’t the easiest thing to do.  Then I volunteered to Q…let the transformation begin!

I read recently “Great Things Never Came from Comfort Zones” and it made me think…what could I do differently in my life if fear, anxiety, insecurity, (and let’s be honest…general laziness) weren’t an issue?  What exactly is holding me back from being ALL IN?  So I made a minor change, instead of saying, “I hope this or that happens” I started speaking with more conviction.  “I’m going to do this or that”.  No longer was I going to wait for a prospect to potentially call me back, I was going to take the initiative.  That person I’ve held a grudge against for years?  Bringing home flowers for the M for no apparent reason?  Leading 19 guys in a 45 minute workout which is relatively new to me?  Bring it baby!!!

This Tony Robbins moment sponsored by F3Isotope.com…that’s F3Isotope….. dot com. 

What’s the point Limburger?  The point is I think I finally realized that F3 IS more than just a workout.  We all have struggles, but how you deal with them ultimately impacts how you live your life.  Own up to them, take control of them, reach out to a fellow F3’er for help…and go ALL IN! 


  • Mosey from the cars to the pull up bars; zig-zagging through the parking lot doing butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, etc.



Cotton Pickers X 10 IC

Merkins X 15 IC

Thang One:

  • Indian Run to the front of the church in two lines.  Last man sprints to the front of the line calling out his F3 name…and then slows down like an old “Florida Driver” (thanks Swede). 

Thang Two:

  • Bear Crawl from one curb to the opposing curb, 10 incline merkins.
  • Low Lunge back to starting curb, 9 decline merkins.
  • Bear Crawl from one curb to the opposing curb, 8 incline merkins.
  • Low lunge back….7 decline merkins.  6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….plank to wait for others.

Thang Two…and a half:

  • Partner carry to stairs leading to woods…was only about 40 yards…so the “rider” never was the “carrier”.  Sorry about that Pax…My first VQ mistake 🙂

Thang Three:

**Audible #1** Move the giant tree out of the way that crushed one of the sets of parallel bars.  Reminded the Pax why we say a disclaimer at the beginning…. 

  • Traverse the Monkey Bars- one forward facing…one backward.
  • Grab Cindy

Colt 45’s

Lawnmover X 10 IC each arm

Skull Crushers X 10 IC

Goblet Squats X 10 IC

Bonito Repeato!

Zamperini for at least 2 minutes…heard a little Mumble Chatter on this one….

AND THEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT…..perfect timing by the way…

  • Put away Cindy and head to the parking lot…again.


**Audible #2** (Thanks Ty Webb)

3 Corners?

  • Sprint to the far corner by the pull up bars, low lunge across parking lot ½ way, bear crawl the rest of the way to other corner.  Speaking of Bears…there were 4 true Chicago Bear fans in attendance this morning…as a die-hard Packer fan, I feel your pain…wait, no I don’t.  Quadra philia to cars…then high knees (except for Dry Rub who had to skip and sing a Wham song “…wake me up…before you go go….”).



Passed the baton to Ditka who called out:

Freddie Mercury X 1 million IC

Took the baton back from Ditka

Hello Dolly X 10 IC

WWII Sit ups X 5 IC



I think it goes without saying…but I’ll say it anyway…it was an honor and a privilege to lead such a great group of men this morning.  I couldn’t ask for a better turn out and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  It almost makes me forget about getting only 3 hours of sleep last night or that it’s taken me over 3 hours to put together this backblast…but it’s all worth it.  #ISI fellas!  Thanks for the encouragement and SYITG soon!  Limburger…..hymmfft.