Bells, Burpees, & Bear Crawls…And Other Happenings at GCC

Event Date

Feb 25, 2016

5 PAX decended upon the grounds of GCC for a full body WIB. Numbers were light, chatter was even lighter, but effort was enormous!


  • SSH 20X IC
  • Mountain Climbers 20X IC
  • Cotton Picker 10X IC

The Thang


  • Jump lunges 20 OYO (10 each leg)
  • Broad jump burpee to cone 2 (approximately 30 yards)
  • KB swings 25
  • Sprint to cone 3
  • Pull-ups 10
  • Bear crawl from cone 3 back to cone 2
  • Goblet squat press 25
  • Sprint back to cone 1 – Repeato
    • PAX performed entire WIB 3X's


  • Jump squats 20 OYO
  • Lunge walk to cone 2
  • Single arm KB press 20X OYO (10 each arm)
  • Sprint to cone 3
  • Australian pull-ups 10
  • Duck walk from cone 3 back to cone 2
  • Lunge and twist with KB 20 OYO (10 each side)
  • Sprint back to cone 1 – Repeato
    • PAX performed entire WIB 2X's

Mosey with KB to front of church and circle up

  • Curls 10X IC
  • Lawn mower 8X IC (right arm then left arm)
  • Skull crushers 8X IC
  • Low flutter with KB overhead 15X IC
  • Chest press 10X IC
  • Curls 18X IC
  • Lawn mower 6X IC (right arm then left arm)
  • Skull crushers 8X IC



  • Great job today men! No BS, all effort, all got better today
  • Packer & Zuul, you guys continue to blow me away – TCLAPS to you both, much respect
  • Uncle Rico, thanks for pushing me – great hustle on the sprints, never took a break
  • Way to hang tough, Croc, never a moment of weakness – you powered through to the end
  • Lifting up little Nolan and his family – prayers for healing and for God's comfort, peace, and perseverance
  • Have a bless weekend men!