Estate Planning – There’s Plenty to go Around

Event Date

Feb 27, 2016

It was a long week and YHC had nothing planned up until 9:30pm last night.  Within a short 30 minutes, a plan was conceived.  There's so much we can do at The Estate – it's just a matter of choosing.


Pledge of Allegiance facing the Stars and Stripes

1 lap on track

Jog the straightaway, Side Shuffle halfway & Carioca halfway around curve

Backpedal the straightaway, Side Shuffle halfway & Carioca halfway around curve

Circle up:

Side Straddle Hop x 20

Imperial Storm Trooper x 20

Toy Soldier x 20

Windmill x 10

Jabbawockeez x 20



Indian Run to middle tier of soccer fields

Tunnel of Love, the group runs down hill, Cackalacka Choo-Choo, group runs up hill

Repeat pattern 4 times from parking lot to woods

Partner Wheel Barrow back for length of one-soccer field

Run second soccer field back to parking lot

Mosey to Loading Dock

Partner A – 2 x over wall, Partner B – Balls to Wall, Flip Flop

Partner A – 2 x over wall, Partner B – Peoples Chair, Flip Flop

Mosey to Playground

Partner Rows on pull up bars x10, Repeato – second time x5

Fence Weaver to sidewalk then run in cadence to Bradley Middle School entrance

Partner A – Box Jumps x10, Partner B – Dry Docks x10, flip-flop & repeato

Partner A – Step-ups x20, Partner B – Burpees x 10, flip-flop & repeat w/ 5 burpees the second time

Jog to Baseball Field

At the Field – run for the cycle (sprint to first, jog the rest of the bases home, sprint to second, jog to home via third base, sprint to third, jog home, sprint all the bases for an in-the-park home-run)

Jog to track

Run up hill, 5 ‘Mericans, Bear Crawl down hill, 1 squat – x5 going to 1 'Merican, 5 squats


Feet do not touch ground

  • Flutter x 15 IC, Homer to Marge x 15, Rosalita x 15 IC, Freddy Mercury x 15 IC




  • Maybe it was just me but this one wore me out – according to his tech device Elmers got in 7,000 steps and 60 minutes of active time…that's a work out my friends.
  • We got in two miles of travel and a lot of good body work:
  • There was some good chatter going on among the Pax during the mosey and jog time but YHC could not catch it all (self-smoke)
  • There were also a lot of non-BS BS calls (i.e. "I'm not doing that") around the wheelbarrow and the partner carries that never happened.  That's a good thing – we show up to get stronger and not to get hurt and the BS call were smart so alternate exercises were done.
  • Thanks to Sponge Bob for leading us in the running in-cadence.  It was pretty cool to see the whole group running faster than we would have as a bunch of individuals.
  • Three years running and we are still seeing FNGs. Phil Davis (FNG EH'd by Freedom) was pretty strong and we're looking forward to having him back.
  • As always, it's great to be in good health and in good company on a Saturday morning.
