Denver leaps through another Murph

Event Date

Feb 29, 2016

Another last Mondayof the month, another Murph down.  This is how it went at Mustang…We had high hopes of an FNG today, but no dice.  We did have several fartsackers who didn't make it out today, #Cobains to you.  At least two are still feeling Sonar's beatdown from a week ago (Hamstring – Closer, Elbow – C#) #TAPs, but the rest of you get no slack. Review the Lexicon if you are confused.

Temp was an awesome 51°F and the PAX headed off.  There were discussions of skiing and snowboarding along the way, no real 'MC' persay but plenty of 2nd F…but we did not move at 2nd F pace.  I think even the 6 today was close to two 8 minute miles (One there and one back).

Mustang elected 20 rounds of 5-10-15 (pull-ups, 'Mericans, Squats) because we had one guy's first ever Murph, and also because we have better form when we do 20 rounds.


Since it's a leap year, google provded a good verse for today

Luke 6:23 NIV
Rejoice in that day and LEAP for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.


  • Congrats Double Check on your first Murph.  You probably never thought you'd ever do that many pull-ups.  Double Check made a comment about Saturday's beatdown left him in the hot tub more than once Saturday afternoon.  he eventually gave-up and settled for drinking some honey bourbon instead.
  • Discussion of bourbon peaks Clarks interest
  • Discussions of skiing at Sugar/Beech/Snowshoe (Double Check, Ziplock)
  • Clark shares of breaking his leg the first time he went skiing
  • Abrams discusses running around Old Plank and the dangers of small dogs that he must avoid, or punch in the face, and now drives 20 minutes to SVU to complete his running.
  • Congrats to Diesel's basketball team for going UNDEFEATED…they are nothing like NC State ;(
  • Clark discusses how today is a free day…for the company.  Today should be a national holiday, or an extra day of pay.