Super Tuesday Tire Fiesta

A clean dozen gathered in the wake of a Super Tuesday voting spree.  Since Clinton and Trump were the big winners, it was decided that we'd descend on the tires, as there's not doubt the rubber will meet the road these next four years.  Three attacked #thestandard for a 4.2 mile run at a 10 min. pace (Chief, Loveshack, Honeymoon).

Warmups: Mozy to neighboring parking lot, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke, mozy to next parking lot:

COP (IC)-SSH 20, IST 15, Cotton Pickers 10, Merkins 10. Mozy to next parking lot.  Heismans x 15 (two steps right, into Heisman pose, two steps left….).  Wide grip Merkins 10 IC, Heel slappers 15 IC.  

Mozy to the Tires:  Partner up, 6 pairs, pace setters pushed tire to 2nd light and back, others did inclines on a big tire, step/jump ups, tire tug-o-war, flip tire once and jump through, flip lighter tire twice and jump through.  All excercises were 'supposed' to be done at maximum effort while pacers set the pace (not sure this exactly happened)

Interim: Preacher's chair, Balls to the wall, Peter Parkers x 10 IC, 20 calf raises/leg oyo.

Repeato Tire circuit….great fun.

Find medium tire, partners flip tire and do 3, then 4 burpees until tire is at far light.  Partner flip tire back and do 10, 12, 14, 16 LBC's while waiting.

Indian Run back to TrakScan.

Mary (IC): W's 15, box cutters 15, cutter boxes 15. Recover, recover.


-Lots of mumblechatter, and some rebellion today.  Folks didn't like the Heisman, the Peter Parkers, or the Indian Run–tough luck.

-We had a slightly short workout, as the runners came back at about 5:31, give or take, and Chief needed to make some…….adjustments before we could head out.

-Super Tuesday was not all that super, was it?

-Mutiny during the Indian Run and other excercises made the Q a little less smooth, but as always, the PAX can modify as they wish;-)

-Thanks Cupcake, for the chance to lead!!  

-PLEASE hop on this ( website, find the calendar, and fill your name in for a GUEST Q.  I believe the Master Q's should never have to Q two weeks in a row.