Rock n Lunge

10 Wilderness explorers came out in the gloom to find out what madness YHC had in store for them.  Here's what happened:


Warm Up

17  plank jacks IC


10 Windmill IC

10 Squat IC

The Thang

Mosey to Tennis Ct

YHC gathered the PAX and started to explain the workout.  The mumble chatter was strong with several PAX advising YHC they couldn’t remember the sequence and would figure it out as we went.  Off we went

Bear Crawl across tennis courts to fence for 10 Durkins OYO

Lunge walk back for 10 Fence climbers (YHC's go to body smoker)

Crab walk across for 8 Durkins

Lunge walk back for 8 FC

Carioca Left for 6 Durkins

Lunge walk back for 6 FC

Carioca Right for 4 Durkins

Lunge Walk back for 4 FC

Bunny hop for 2 Durkins

Lunge Walk back for 2 FC

Plank at the end of each exercise until the group finished before beginning the next exercise

Plank at end for 30 seconds


Mosey to Cul-de-sac

Merkin time bomb – count of 10 (always a PAX favorite, and a great way to suffer with friends).


Mosey to Queens corner

15 Freddie Mercury IC


Mosey to rock pile at top of Hugh Torrence

Select a travelling rock. The PAX were instructed once they selected their rock they wouldn't put it back down until they returned from the rock pile.  What better way to get started with the legendary Zamperini counter clockwise around the pain clock and circle up for rock fun done IC

10 Curls

10 Squats (Toxic predicted High Curl, so YHC had to mix it up)

10 Overhead Press

20 Rock twists

10 High Curls

10 Burners

Zamperini back clockwise to rock pile and wait for all PAX to throw rocks back together

Mosey to Queens Corner and grab some curb for 25 Rocky Balboa's IC

Mosey the long way back to AO for Mary


Box Cutter


Homer to Marge

Low flutter

Hand release shoulder touch Merkins (Goat immediately thought about adding jug-a-lugs to make it more fun)


The mumble chatter started strong and grew when YHC messed up cadence at the start (thanks Toxic for the reminder)

It quickly died when the real work began

Toxic is not a fan of the lunge walk

Durkins on a fence bring added fun or pain depending on your perspective

Had to make sure we used our inside voices during the pain clock – that was difficult for Megaphone

Strong work today men and happy to get the chance to inflict another punishing, non-running workout on you guys.  Thanks The Force for the opportunity.


Thanks to Die Hard and Toxic for the EH 1 year ago.  I was happy getting my weekly mileage in and going to the gym for my workouts.  Toxic let me know Die Hard was Q’ing for his anniversary and I had to come support him.  I agreed and was surprised to see a large group of men getting together at the ungodly hour of 5:10, at an even more ungodly temperature of 3 degrees outside.  These guys were crazy – I knew I would fit in.  The workout was hard, but I was used to hard workouts.  The difference maker was the mumble chatter, friendship, and the fun everyone was having despite the elements.  I was sold.  The next week I left the gym, and never looked back.  I moved all my workouts outside in the gloom with this great group of men.  I have met some great people and seen even greater feats of leadership and support for each other, our communities, and even communities hours away; all demonstrating Iron Sharpens Iron.  Aye!