No Pullups, No Bear Crawls

Event Date

Mar 08, 2016



28 strong for the Tuesday, 5:30 a.m. party in Davidson.  After Devo laid the smack down Monday, I decided to spare the Pax of any Pullups or Bear Crawls. Although we did eliminate a couple of options  to inject doses of pain, we did take advantage of a few other favorites.

– Warmup – SSH, MT. Climbers, Mericans, Stretch

– Mosey to Lake Norman Christian lower field.

– 10 Burpies, sprint to the other end, 8 Burpies, sprint back, 6 Burpies, back, 4 Burpies, back 2 Burpies

– 10 Merican Thrusters, 5 Leap Frog jumps, 8 Merican Thrusters, 5 Leap Frog jumps, 6 Meircan Thrusters, 5 Leap Frog jumps, 4 Merican Thrusters, 5 Leap Frog jumps, 2 Merican Thrusters, 5 Leap Frog jumps…. all mmovign across the lower field. Mosey back to the other end,

– Hand stand on the school wall, 15 second hold, plank, 15 second hold, low plank, 15 second hold, Hand stand on the wall, 15 second hold…. Recover. Then 10 Mericans***(In Cadence)***

– Mosey to DUMC for Paver work

– 10 Curls**, 10 Shoulder Press**, 10 Skull Crushers**, No rest move to 8, 8,8, No rest move to 6,6,6….4,4,4…..2,2,2…. All in Cadence

– Mosey around the Parking lot

– 10 LBC's**, 10 Low Flutters**, 10 Mason Twist**, 10 Mericans**, Mosey around the Parking lot

– 15 Curls **, 15 Shoulder press**, 15 Skull Crushers**, 15 Chest Press**, Mosey around the Parking lot

Airborne Mindbender – Mosey back to the Green

Mary – LBC's, Low Flutter, Mason Twist, J- LO.


Moleskin – Several complaints about how dark the lower field was this a.m…… did not expect that.

A few of our Math Majors caught on to the pattern early, during the non stop Paver work… always knew we were surrounded by high IQs in our Pax.

Shout out to the PAX in my hometown, Hartsville, SC. They will be celebrating their 1 year anniversary this Saturday. I hear they have 100 commits!!

It is always a motivating and humbling experience to lead these great men. Thank you for the opportunity and the inspiration!


I am having technical difficulties with the "PAX" function above, will do my best to list the 28 strong this a.m:

Swap Thang, Ditka, Ranger, Ezekiel, Roids, Slow hand, Crude, Scrum, Padre, Genghis, Duvall, Knuckle Dragger, Das Boot, Mary K, FNG, Squiggy, Easy, Baby Back, 3- way, Bijoux, Journey, Fidel, OBC (Q), Canuck,  Gabby, Ms Pac Man, Spackle, a couple more (My apologies!!!).