Stormin’ the Oak

20 warriors (including Bandwagon not yet registered on the website plus Bam Bam's dog) stormed the Mighty Oak as only warriors do…crawling like bears and carrying their partners. This is their story:


4 ruckers met #TheStandard with 3 mi by way of Stumptown through McCauley



(Rucks off for warm up)

Run through the parking lot complete with high knees, butt kickers, and carioca

SSH x 30 IC
IST x 10 IC
Cotton picker x 10 IC
Merkins x 15 IC

The Thang:


Partner 1: Bear crawl
Partner 2: 5 up/downs OYO then double time to catch partner 1
Flapjack and repeato until you reach the end of the parking lot
Plank it out

Slow mosey down the hill to the grass

Partner carry to #TheMightyOak

Circle up around #TheMightyOak

8 Count Body Builders x 10 IC
Squats x 15 IC
Low flutter x 30 IC
Squats x 15 IC
8 Count Body Builders x 10 IC

Partner carry back to the parking lot

Partner 1: Bear crawl
Partner 2: 10 squats OYO then double time to catch partner 1
Flapjack and repeato until end of parking lot

Plank it out

Mosey to the rock pile

Low curls x 10 IC
High curls x 10 IC
Regular curls x 10 IC
Shoulder press x 10 IC
Skull crushers x 10 IC
Chest presses x 10 IC



Homer to marge
Low flutter x 20 IC
Low dolly x 10 IC
LBC x 20 IC
J Lo x 10 IC

Recover recover


Smoked Moleskin:

  • Welcome Brian Backoffner (sorry if I butchered that) for his first post. Now come back again to get named. It won't get any easier, but you will get stronger.
  • Several pax crushed this beatdown with #Ruckson…TClaps…now go knock out Mr. Burns daily beatdown, must be arms day.
  • Bear crawls and partner carries always bring the BS calls early and often
  • I didn't hear much mumblechatter (mostly due to the inability to hear over my own heavy breathing) so sound off if there was anything worthwhile
  • Jolly didn't call BS on the "Ruck Friendly" workout until the J Lo…go figure
  • The pax crushed this workout…Bam Bam looked ready for me to call "Repeato" at 0615…must be time to grab a ruck. We could use several of you in April.
  • Lots of 2nd F events going down, check the website.
  • #Gladiator is moving from 131 Main over to St. Marks AO on March 22
  • Thanks to Ditka for the opportunity to Q at #TheMightyOak. It's always a pleasure to lead such a great group of men. As always, thanks to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…

Don Ho