On a perfect morning of 55 degrees, 27 Warriors took a chance on a virgin Q to start their day at the wood, where a cheri would be popped!! Hopefully there was no dissapointment!
Mosey to the parkinglot:
In Cadence
SSh x 50 IC ( A Travolta special, hoped to give it back)
Cotton Pickers x 20 IC
IST x 20 IC
Ground Zero's x 25 OYO
The Thang:
Partner 1: run to end of parkinglot and back
Partner 2: Diamond Merkins
Switch until 100 is reached cumulative
Partner 1: run to end of parkinglot and back
Partner 2: Squats
Switch until 100 is reached cumulative
Partner 1: run to end of parkinglot and back
Partner 2:Dips
Switch until 100 is reached cumulative
Mosey to the rock pile: Same Partners
Partner 1: Run to fence and back while partner 2 does the following. Switch once partner 1 finishes.
Thee Burpies x 50 Cumualtive (request of Outlaw) I think he said he hates me!!
High Curl x 100 Cumulative
Rock Squat x 150 Cumulative ( Unless your a goat, it was a bolder squat)
Repedo with a twist:
Skull Krusher x 50
Low Curl x 100
Bend Over Rows x 150, Chest Press 150, Chest Press 100-Had to audible
Low Flutter x 25 IC
W x 20
Dying Cochroach x 25
Slow Merkin x 10
Thanks to all of the PAX for your support, it was great to finially lead after 16 month on the F3 Circuit. The entire PAX pushed it to the limits, and thanks to Nitestick for taking 6. Soprano and the Geek are beast, did not even break a sweat! AMEN, way to pump out the chest presses!!
A special thanks to Ninja Turtle for bringing me to F3, it has been a game changer..Who by the way was a no show! lol
Hippie-Thanks for recruiting me to lead this fine group!