Lucky 7’s on the Green

Event Date

Mar 15, 2016

When the Davidson Chimes hit 7 – there were 7 PAX gathered – and the thermometer read 7-7.

In tribute to the Horseshoe which was run earlier in the day at PAINinsula – YHC incorporated a mini-Horseshoe into the workout.


– SSH x 20 IC

– Windmill x 15 IC

– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

– Foreshadowing – pay attention, there will be a test…..

– 10 Mericans IC, 10 Plank Jacks IC, 10 Scorpion Dry Docks IC, 20 Mountain Climbers IC, 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to Lake Norman Christian


The Mini-Horseshoe

Exercises are single count

1 – 15 Mericans

2- 15 Plank Jacks

3 – 15 Scorpion Dry Docks

4 – 15 Mountain Climbers

5 – 10 Burpees

Start on the Soccer Field and run to the pull-up bars

Perform Exercise 1

Run back to the Soccer Field and perform Exercises 1+2

Continue going back and forth adding an exercise each time (on the fifth set do 1+2+3+4+5), on the 6th set – drop #1 and do 2-5.  Continue to drop an exercise until you end with 10 Burpees

There was much gnashing of teeth.

Line up at the bottom of the hill – bear crawl up – 10 Jump Squats – Mosey Down

Repeato with 8-6-4-2 Jump Squats

Split up into two groups at opposite corners of the soccer field.  Football drills include 220's (run the width of the end zone, the length of the field, and the width of the opposite end zone = 220 yards).  Given the size of the soccer filed – these were more like 110's.  [Mini-horseshoe, mini 220's – see a theme?  Fat guy at the Q]

On YHC's "GO" – everyone jogged three sides of the field to end up at the opposite corner.

Repeato back the way you came – this time sprint the 3rd side (width)

Repeato – this time sprint the 2nd side (length)

Gather at the center of the field


Mosey to the basketball court.  Lunge Walk to the school.  Head for home and gather at the launching pad.



20 Touch dem Heels IC

20 Dying Cockroach IC

Pretzel Crunch – 10 left, 10 right

Elbow Plank



– Weather was perfect for a lighter than usual crowd on a Tuesday night

– Grouch was back in action after coming back from double pnemonia.  Strong work – and I'll forgive you cursing the Q and blame it on the meds

– Was joined by my 2.1 and 2.2 – Alpha Bravo and Bullseye.  Always enjoy this time together.  During the prayer I thanked God for the the gift that is F3, and the ability it gives me to show my sons examples of great men in our commmunityy that they can aspire to be like.  Thank you for those examples.

– It was just the Boone Boys at Summit post work-out.  We nailed the trivia question: This song is regarded as the most covered song in pop/rock music…………Yesterday by the Beatles

– Always an honor and a pleasure