Leg Day at Titan

Event Date

Mar 21, 2016


10 PAX did not skip Leg Day at Titan.  Here is their story:

0500:  9 Lives, Burner, Sponge Bob, Tantrum, and YHC for a brisk 2.43 mile #Standard.  We were joined by Calypso for a bit but he tested the ankle and needs more recovery.  Get well brother.

0530:  Mosey around parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, and long striders.

Quick Disclaimer


  • SSH x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

The Thang:

We went for a run.  We attempted to keep to long straight-aways so that we could circle back as needed and stay together.  Whenever we saw a suitable wall we did:

  • People’s Chair for 60 seconds

(Whoops, we only did this once, around mile 2.5.  Didn't forget…we ah…didn't see any more suitable walls)

After every mile according to my Garmin, we stopped and did:

  • Jump Squats x 10 OYO
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Jump Lunges x 10 each side (20 total) OYO
  • Calf Raises for 30-40 seconds
  • Lunge Walk for 30-40 seconds
  • Broad jumps for 30-40 seconds

Distance travelled was 3.15 miles according to my Garmin, so we did the above sequence 3 times.  Link to Garmin description here:



  • Circle up around my car, with GNR’s "Paradise City" playing in the background, for:
  • Low Flutters x 10 IC (Thank you Moses)
  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up, JLOs x 15 IC
  • 100s
  • Mason Twists x 15 IC
  • LBCs x 35 IC

Recover, recover.

Leggy Moleskin:

  1. Believe Titan may be converging somewhere next week, due to Spring Break.  Tantrum, kindly sound off below if I've mistated that.
  2. Great 2nd F run during #TheStandard.  That is, until Tantrum took the lead and 9 Lives remarked it was no longer 2nd F pace.  #QFail !   #SorryIstilldon'tknowtheneighborhood.
  3. Sponge Bob sure is fast for someone who says he needs to "get back into running shape".
  4. Always good to have more Incognitians, good to see you again Burner and Jenny.
  5. Great to see Moses at Titan for the first time.  His ability to scale high hurdles, as his F3 name suggests, is matched by an impressive broad jump which seems to span 8 feet easily.
  6. Jingle Bells and 66 looking speedy out there today.
  7. Jaws!  Jaws is a recent graduate of #QSchool.  Just so happens Tantrum could use some Qs for April.  In addition to this BB, I will annoy Jaws over email, work messaging, text, Twitter, and fax.  Also, each of my Qs at Titan will become increasingly absurd and decreasingly creative until you agree to Q buddy : )
  8. Prayers for speedy recoveries for Calypso and Primo, as slight injuries cut their runs short today and Saturday, respectively.
  9. Prayers for Frogger and his M.

Always an honor gentlemen.  Have a great week.