The Washboard

Event Date

Mar 24, 2016


The Washboard

11 Men (including Trickle and Puddle) took the DRP today at SVU.  Perfect weather + heavy challenges = great fun.  Doing a little laundry on the washboard, pushing and pulling.  You vs. Gravity.   What a great way to start your day.

Warm up:


10 IC Merkins

10 Burpees

Exercise: The Washboard…… AKA: sneaky way to get (11) 33# cement blocks to the parking lot.

Load up the laundry machine.  Rotation is:

  1. Australian Rows

  2. Merkins

  3. Australian Rows

  4. Merkins

  5. Australian

  6. SSH

  7. Merkins

  8. Burpees

  9. SSH

  10. Merkins

  11. Pacer – Run one block to parking lot and sprint back

Everyone rotates one station and next Pacer delivers another block

Run to parking lot – Team Up A’s & B’s

  1. A’s: run blocks to top of lot and bring back (4 trips)

  2. B’s: SSH – Team total = 150

Team continues rotating mix until last team has 150 SSH (IC)

Next Round: Same drill, but with Merkins.  Team total = 100.

Next Round: Same ole, Same.  Burpees! Team total = 50.

Half Round: More of the same.  WWI sit-ups = 25

Block Carry back to Playground

6 MoM:

  • 10 Dr. W’s

  • 10/10/10  LBC / Freddy Mercury / LBC

Reflection:  Perseverance

James 1:2-4  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

“We thank you Lord for the ability and opportunity to be together this morning.   Thank you for the gift of another day and we pray that each of these men will take this gift and make a positive difference in the world.

Mole Skin:

  • Few quizzical looks seeing Burpees in the warm-up.

  • SSH, Merkins, Burpees are only warm-up.  Foreshadowing of things to come.

  • (2) new blocks joined the pax today.  Comments made they were heavier than other.  Take that up with Lowes.

  • Too much time to explain the Washboard, but eventually, everyone just wanted it to end.

  • Lots of mumble chatter during the Washboard, but my brain didn’t have enough oxygen to record any of it.

  • In hindsight, the Washboard may not be optimally design for +10 pax?

  • Pretty sure some of the pacers were walking!! At least it felt like that hanging from the board.

  • Timing on the Team block carry drill worked better than I planned.

  • Great time starting my day with you guys.  Thanks for the opportunity to Q

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb