Mom and Dad pick the Workout

Event Date

Mar 29, 2016

8 Pax came to Bailey Road Middle School to get bigger, stronger and faster.  This is their story.

Warm Up

Pax gathered the weights and carried them to the bottom of the stairs.

SSH x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Windmill x 10

The Thang

Spell your name!

Q put the workout key at the bottom of the stairs.  The pax would take the first letter of their first hospital name and find the corresponding exercise.  The pax would then select a weight, carry it up the stairs and complete the exercise at the top of the stairs.  The pax would then carry the weight back down the stairs, place their weight down and find the corresponding letter for the second letter of their first name.  Repeato for their full first middle and last hospital name.  When you get done jump on with a pax that hasn't finished yet.

The Key

A 15 overhead press
B 10 Weight swings
C 10 WW2 sit ups (weight over head)
D 5 single leg deadlifts each leg
E 5 Burpees
F 20 Mason twist (with weight)
G 20 weight hop overs
H 10 V-ups
I 30 low flutter A 15 overhead press
B 10 Weight swings
C 10 WW2 sit ups A 15 overhead press
B 10 Weight swings
C 10 WW2 sit ups (weight over head)
D 5 single leg deadlifts each leg
E 5 Burpees
F 20 Mason twist (with weight)
G 20 weight hop overs
H 10 V-ups
I 30 low flutter (weight over head)
J 15 side extensions each side
K 30 calf raises (with weight)
L 20 Skull crushers
M 10 weighted Lunges each leg
N 10 Merkins
O 15 bent over rows
P 12 front raises (with weight)
Q 35 pickle pounders
R 10 Deep Squats (with weight)
S 15 Rows
T 20 shoulder switches
U 25 hip bridges (with weight)
W 30 count hold front raise
X 20 knee touch jumps
Y 20 side weight hopes
Z 20 carolina dry docks

Heavy Sweaty Moleskin

Thanks for all the pax that came out.  Thunderdome is a huge gut check and always draws a good crowd of pax looking to get better. 

Sorry TBC for leaving V out.  It won't happen again that is a promise!

Tclaps the Cougar aka Cooter for pretty much being a regular at the night workouts and driving all the way from south park. 

Moon Pie and Cougar, yall are ready to take a Q!  Killed the workouts today. 

Car Ramrod and TBC are two of the most hard headed guys.  The hard way is the only way for them and its awesome.  Ramrod broke the football out after the post we turns out we have some talent at thunderdome…..and lots of fields…..and 45 minutes.  I smell opportunity!

Dallas always brings the mumblechatter and that's A-OK with me.  It would be cool to see a Dallas thunderdome Q soon

Great to see billy bob out. You're another put your head down and get it done guy.  Flying through the workout.  Great stuff. 

Awesome to see Turnpike two weeks in a row.  Already talking about posting tomorrow morning and tomorrow night as well.  He is a monster!  He also has the longest name in the pax.  Claims that he is part polish / part alphabet soup.

Prayers for Ikea.  Continue to lift him up.  We are all family in F3 and it's a great thing.  Thinking about you brother.

