April Fools

Event Date

Apr 01, 2016

5:27 AM and nobody showed, except, of course the Huntersville PD squad car, parked mysteriously in the back of the lot.  He was eyballing my swift VW Passat for suspicious behavior, "Isn't that an illegal TDI?" 

5:28 AM – April Fools!  It was astounding, the Pax arrived, one by one, and then another….oh, I guess that's it, three PAX total.  No going back to the fartsack today.

Mosey to back of lot

High Knees
Butt Kickers
Karaoke Left
Karaoke Right

Grab a medium size rock.  I made a pile to choose from, way over estimated participation rate this Friday morning.

SSH x 10
Imperial Storm Trooper x 10
Windmill x 10
Cotton Pickers  x 10 (Go ahead and get the gloves good and soaked)

The Thang
Mosey to back corner of lot and partner up.

1st Ladder
Partner A – Jump Squats
Partner B – Al Gore’s hold rock out front
10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps – switching after each set
Lunge Walk across parking lot (torward pullup bars) passing rock through legs each step
Halfway point, lunge walk backwards the remainder once again passing rock through legs again
Plank it out until all finish, mosey to next leg of parking lot

2nd Ladder
Partner A – Burpees, no rock
Partner B – Lunge Curls – get into lunge position, holding one rock in each hand, curls until Partner A is finished
15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps – switching with partner after each set
Hop across parking lot to other end with rock when finished
Plank it out until all are finished (20 second resting plank, 1 arm up, normal, other arm, normal)

3rd Ladder
Partner A – Walk Down ‘Mericans
Partner B – Rock hops, back and forth over rock
10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps – switching after each set
Sideways lunge walk, halfway leading with right leg, other half switch and lead with left leg, carry rocks

4th Ladder
Partner A – Haldors
Partner B – Mountain Climbers
15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps – switching with partner after each set
Partner sprints to other side of lot, carry the rock and show the speed
Mosey to Pavilion

5th Ladder
Partner A – Step-ups with rock
Partner B – Explosive Incline ‘Mericans
10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps  switching with partner after each set
Plank it out until all are finished

Hit the wall
People’s Chair to ensure legs are smoked
People’s Chair 30 sec
Right leg up 20 sec
Right leg down (Very important to make this call before next)
Left leg up 20 sec
Left leg down
Chill with the People’s chair for another 30 sec

Return rocks, mosey back to cars for bit o Mary and “Recover, Recover!”



-If you are every up to doing something nefarious at 5:30 AM, in full site of a police squad car, it sometimes can help to momentarily pause criminal activity and form up a circle, and just perform some SSH x 10 as a group.  The PD often will leave the scene due the #CSAUP nature of your activity.  #justsayin

-Always maintain a safe distance from Limburger.  During walk down Mericans, while in full downward dog, ie perfectly timed for max effect, he gas'd ole BillyBob.  Limburger's his name!

-TyWebb read my mind when he arrived, "Sorry TommyBoy, your gonna have to Q after all!"  It was looking like a #sadclown.  Even United, who was a HC the night before, dissed his MacAulay brother. 

-Always appreciative of the chance to lead.  Thanks to the PAX for their dedication.  YHC