We took the bridge…

Add'l PAX: Shamrock

DonHo for a solo #ruckstandard.

A strong and eager army of 22 gathered in the chilly gloom to plan their surge. Once all was said and done they had taken the bridge and become stronger for it. Here is their story:

Warm Up

  • 2 laps around the parking lot, circle up
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Windmill x 15 (IC)
  • Mountain climber x 20 (IC)

The Thang

  • Mosey to bridge
  • Bear crawl the tunnel of funk (PAX plank across walkway while each member bear crawls under) x 2
  • Up-and-overs (scale the wall and run to other side of bridge)
    • Up-and-over, Jump squats x 10, run back, up-and-over, Merkins x 2
    • Up-and-over, Jump squats x 8, run back, up-and-over, Merkins x 4
    • Up-and-over, Jump squats x 6, run back, up-and-over, Merkins x 6
    • Up-and-over, Jump squats x 4, run back, up-and-over, Merkins x 8
    • Up-and-over, Jump squats x 2, run back, up-and-over, Merkins x 10
    • Repeato
    • Plank it out
  • People's chair x 1 minute w/ air presses (IC)
  • Mosey to pull-up bars, partner up
  • Decreasing pull-up explosion
    • P1- 10 pull-ups, P2- LBC's until P1 done, flap-jack
    • P1- 9 pull-ups, P2- LBC's, flap-jack
    • P1- 8 pull-ups, P2- LBC's, flap-jack
    • and so on to 1
  • Mosey to power line block garden
  • P1- curls x 20 (IC), P2- low flutter, flap-jack
  • P1- lawn mower x 15 each arm (IC), P2- alternating leg lunges, flap-jack
  • P1- cindy snatch x 10 (IC), P2- low flutter, flap-jack
  • Thanks Stromboli for calling P2 cadence


  • Mosey to parking lot entrance, circle up around tree
  • J-Lo x 20 (IC)
  • Crunchy frog x 20 (IC) – Credit Tagless
  • The W x 20 (IC)- Credit DH
  • Recover, recover


The PAX did an awesome job this morning! Strong work by everyone. The "no man left behind" motto was clearly evident during the pull-up explosion as many men spotted and encouraged their fellow PAX to push through. 55 pull-ups in a short period of time was a lot to ask, but we all made it.

This is a fun AO and an inspiring group of men. Thanks, Callahan, for the opportunity. I would gladly take the reins again. Also, many thanks to DonHo for bringing me out to my first F3 post at Arnie's one year ago. I have grown more physically and spiritually in the past year than any time in my life and I owe it to each of you. You who gather in the early morning gloom to push each other to become better men, fathers, husbands and leaders. If it weren't for each of you this thing called F3 would not survive. Keep coming, keep inviting your friends, neighbors and coworkers. You may never know the impact you have on those you bring, but have faith that this brotherhood, with its Christ-centered nature, will fill a void for those in need.

